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Request For The Expression Of Interest At AfriLabs


AfriLabs is a network organization and a NGO that supports over 400 Innovation Centers across 52 African countries, was founded in 2011 to build a community around the rapidly emerging technology hubs in Africa.


2.1 Request for Consultant – Quickbooks Online (Intuit) Expert.

AfriLabs is requesting expressions of interest from reputable consultants across Nigeria to apply and register with the organization to provide consultant services of quickbooks experts.

AfriLabs welcomes Expression of Interest (EOIs) from interested parties for this service. EOIs must be submitted following this document and all guidelines must be followed to submit a conforming EOI.

All submissions must meet the requirements in this document to be deemed conforming under the selections category in the Expression of Interest process.

All individuals or organizations existing or not previously registered with AfriLabs will be required to fill out the Request for Information Form attached and are welcome to submit/resubmit their Expression of Interest.

Through the expression of interest received, a prequalification session is conducted and qualified consultants will be on-boarded to the organization’s database.


The following standard conditions apply to this Expression of Interest Application

3.1  General Conditions

  • All applicants acknowledge that AfriLabs retains the right to accept or reject proposals.
  • Any cost incurred by applicants for the creation of their Expression of Interest must be borne by the applicant. Hence, AfriLabs will not be responsible for any expenses whatsoever.
  • No legal or other obligations shall arise between any applicant and AfriLabs until formal documentation has been signed.

 3.2  Conflict of interest.

  • Any conflicts of interest must be identified and written documentation provided explaining the conflict of interest in detail; at the time of lodgement of this EOI.
  • If the conflict of interests is not disclosed and discovered at a later date, AfriLabs retails the right to cancel the contract with the approved applicant.


  1. Open Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest.
  2. 2 weeks timeline for applicants to submit applications.
  3. Expression of interest closes on the 27th May 2024.
  4. All applicants are notified of applications received.
  5. Applications assessed.
  6. The shortlist will be generated for suitable applicants.
  7. Unsuccessful applicants notified.
  8. Successful shortlisted applicants notified.


The scope of work for the successful candidate will encompass the following:

  • To            help        us            configure               our Quickbooks Online (Intuit) to    suit          our          needs     as            an organization.
  • Conduct systems (hardware/software) requirement checks for Afrilabs Abuja Offices.
  • Create chart of accounts in compliance with the International Financial Revenue


  • Training of Abuja finance staff on the usage of Quickbooks Online (Intuit)

Accounting Software including training materials.

  • Create users with access privileges.
  • Provide after-sales (training) support services after consultancy for a given period.
  • Replicate all account codes in the Afrilabs Abuja office.
  • Create customers and vendors ledger in Afrilabs Abuja office.
  • Create other Ledger accounts in the Afrilabs Abuja office
  • Create reports modules in compliance with Donor requirements.
  • Detailed explanation of all Quickbooks Online (Intuit) features and how to make the most of it.
  • Exchange rate correction and programming (including previous years) to eliminate reporting errors.

6.0          Result needed:

  • Better reporting of AfriLabs financials.
  • Reduce the risk of errors.
  • Easy navigation of all provided tools on the software.
  • Value for the cost of software subscription.
  • Time saving and increased productivity.


Interested vendors and/or consultants are required to submit the following documents where applicable:

  1. Filled Request for Information Form.
  2. CV/Resume (alongside a LinkedIn account link) where applicable.
  3. Company Certificate (If the applicant is a company).
  4. Company Registration Documents (C02 and C07) (If the applicant is a company). V.            Tax Identification Number.
  5. Showcase previous projects and clients in relevant sectors.
  6. Submit CV and Information of qualified technical staff (where applicable).
  7. Means of Identification (International Passport or Driver’s license)
  8. References: Contact information for at least three professional references from NGO & government organizations.


  • Complete applicable documentation.
  • Relevant experience and track record.
  • Quality of services offered.
  • Competitive pricing (Clear and Transparent pricing details).
  • Availability during the required period.
  • Payment Terms: Detailed payment terms of the services offered.


  • The consultant must be an accountant or have experience in accounting software.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in deploying QuickBooks, installation, training, and usage.
  • Conduct a presentation to Afrilabs management staff.
  • Strong report writing skills.
  • Evidence of experience in QuickBooks training.
  • Demonstrated experience in working with NGOs’ accounting policies and procedures.
  • Verifiable professional reference with regard to proficiency in QuickBooks.
  • Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity.


The assignment is to be completed within three (3) months from the date of the official signing of the contract.


  • The consultant will provide a QuickBooks Reference Guide/Manual in hard and soft copies, complete with training reports that include photographs and time sheets.
  • Report on training sessions and pertinent meetings involving AFRILABS finance staff, including Meeting agenda, etc.
  • A verified and approved, reconfigured and reconciled Quickbooks in line with the needs of : a. Exchange Rate Correction and programming from previous years to eliminate errors, b. reconfigured to suit the organization’s needs.
  • Profiles of the engagement team members and details of their assigned tasks.(if applicable).


  • Interested consultants should download the Request for Information Form, fill, sign stamped and submit together with other documents.
  • All expressions of interest should be submitted via email to [email protected] by the specified deadline 27th May 2024 with the Subject: Expression of Interest – Request for Quickbooks Expert Consultant

Note: Late submissions will not be considered.

We appreciate your interest in working with AfriLabs, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions.