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Term of reference At Nutrition International

Term of reference for the event management firm to conduct key Zinc national level supported activities in Nigeria.

In brief

Nutrition International is seeking a qualified event management firm to conduct project events as part of an implementation of the national quantification training, national diarrhea workshop and stock review workshop in Abuja, Nigeria.

1. About Nutrition International

Nutrition International (NI) is a global organization dedicated to delivering proven nutrition interventions to those who need them most. Working in partnership with countries, donors, and implementers, our experts conduct cutting-edge nutrition research, support critical policy formulation, and integrate nutrition into a broader development agenda. In more than 60 countries, primarily in Asia and Africa, NI nourishes people to nourish lives.

2. Background 

For over 25 years, Nutrition International (NI) has been working at the leading edge of nutrition and has successfully delivered life-saving micronutrients at scale. Each year, NI reaches millions of children under 5 years with Vitamin A Supplements as well as Zinc/Lo-ORS. Also, NI reaches millions of pregnant women with Iron and Folic Acid tablets to prevent maternal deaths. These interventions have prevented mental impairments and averted deaths among infants, 10 million cases of stunting have been prevented, and 500,000 cases of anemia have been averted among women in Nigeria. 

In collaboration with national, state, and implementing partners, Nutrition International (NI) provides technical and financial support to address factors contributing to increased diarrheal morbidity and mortality in Kano and Sokoto States. NI supports a Child survival and nutrition care package that includes increased provision of Zinc supplements and ORS for the treatment of childhood diarrhea and capacity building. 

Specifically, Nutrition International’s project will support nationally to promote prompt care-seeking behaviors among caregivers of children with diarrhea as well as adherence to standard treatment (zinc and low-osmolarity oral rehydration solution [LO-ORS]). Project states will receive targeted technical and financial support to improve the capacity (knowledge, skill, and attitude) of healthcare providers to implement quality Zinc and LO-ORS interventions and appropriate interpersonal communications for the treatment of all diarrhea cases seen at health facilities or community-level service points. In addition, NI will work to improve the commitment of state actors, such as health managers and policymakers, to implement complementary drug revolving fund (DRF) schemes for effective availability and sustainability of health commodities, including Zinc and LO-ORS.

Drug Revolving Funds (DRF) and the Drug and Medical Consumable Supply Agency (DMA) play a crucial role in ensuring the availability and affordability of essential drugs and medical consumables. These schemes, designed to sell medicines and healthcare products at cost price with a mark-up, generate revenue that is reinvested to replenish stocks, ensuring continuous accessibility for patients. The National Product and Supply Chain Management Agency (NPSCMP), under the Federal Ministry of Health, coordinates efforts to enhance patient access to healthcare by ensuring the availability and affordability of medicines and healthcare products through an integrated supply chain system characterized by visibility, control, and efficient last-mile delivery. To further strengthen the DRF/DMA schemes in Kano and Sokoto States, we aim to gain insights from successful models in other states.

Nigeria faces significant public health challenges, with high disease burdens across various health indicators. Given the complex nature of these challenges, NI in partnership with FMOH and NPCSMP will conduct a national diarrhea prevention symposium, an Integrated National Stock Review (INSSR) workshop, and the National training of trainers (NOT) on the quantification of essential medicines to strengthen DRF/DMA systems. The aims are to promote sustainable health systems strengthening by fostering collaboration among stakeholders from various sectors to develop and implement effective strategies for improving child health outcomes; and to improve supply systems across the national, inclusive, Kano and Sokoto states.

The event management firm will assist the NI CO project team with the logistics and administrative processes of the workshops. NI will work closely with the national teams to arrange and agree on activity modality focused on regional or state presence and mobilize resources to address and improve the supply chain system across the board.

2.1 Scope of Work: 

Under the terms of this Agreement, Nutrition International is seeking to work with an event management firm to ensure effective planning, organization, and execution of events to support the National government team in implementing activities toward achieving the project-specific objectives and deliverables for the national symposium of diarrhea in Abuja.

2.2 Objectives of the Consultancy

This consultancy is aimed at engaging the services of the firm to coordinate, plan, and execute national workshops as listed in Annex A, in coordination with NI.

2.3 Activity

  1. National Diarrhea Symposium: The national symposium serves as a vital platform to unite stakeholders from various sectors to address childhood illness in Nigeria comprehensively. By convening policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers, community leaders, and civil society organizations, the symposium aims to foster knowledge exchange, identify best practices, and devise actionable solutions for enhancing child health outcomes. Through collaboration and shared commitments, the symposium seeks to spur coordinated action and resource mobilization toward implementing evidence-based interventions and initiatives. Ultimately, it aims to tackle the underlying causes of childhood illness and promote sustainable strengthening of health systems across the country.
  2. National Micronutrient Conference: The national Micronutrient Conference in Nigeria in 2024 convenes at a crucial juncture as the nation faces persistent challenges with micronutrient deficiency, impacting public health and development. Across diverse landscapes and socio-economic contexts, deficiencies in vital micronutrients continue to compromise individual health and impede societal progress. The conference seeks to bolster political and policy coherence, aligning sectors to effectively address these challenges. By facilitating dialogue among stakeholders and sharing successful strategies, it aims to inspire further progress and collaboration in combating malnutrition. Through evidence-based discussions and policy analysis, the conference aims to empower Nigeria to invest in comprehensive solutions for food and nutrition security, fostering a healthier population and sustainable development.
  3. National Micronutrient stakeholders meeting: A stakeholder consultation will convene incountry to foster dialogue and collaboration among Federal Ministries, civil society organizations (CSOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector in preparation for the micronutrient conference in Nigeria. This gathering seeks to leverage diverse perspectives and experiences to enhance initiatives addressing micronutrient deficiencies in Nigeria. Priority topics for discussion encompass food safety and security, dietary diversity, gender and inclusion strategies, cost considerations, and other pertinent themes crucial for advancing nutrition interventions. Final submission on organization and arrangement will be concluded by the micronutrient stakeholders committee. 
  4. Integrated National Stock Supply Review Workshop: The workshop aims to enhance the reliability of stock status reports and decision-making within the supply chain by comparing program-specific LMIS data with NHLMIS data. It seeks to identify and resolve risks to ensure consistent monitoring of stock situations, preventing expiries, stockouts, overstock, and wastages. Additionally, the workshop aims to improve visibility into stock situations and facilitate supply chain decisions related to quantification, procurement, shipment planning, and overall supply planning by analyzing data from various sources, including LMD, pipeline, waste management, forecasting, and quantification.
  5. National Quantification Training of Trainer: The strategic plan aims to improve NPSCMP’s performance by integrating essential medicines and public health commodities management at the state level. It focuses on enhancing ownership and capacity within procurement and supply chain management, positioning NPSCMP as a catalyst for supply chain improvement. The workshop targets NPSCMP personnel to strengthen key supply chain operations like forecasting and quantification, with a focus on essential medicines. Additionally, it aims to bolster DRF and DMA systems at national and sub-national levels, enabling NPSCMP to support state supply chain actors effectively.

3. Key Responsibilities

  • Develop a work plan detailing the tasks for each of the proposed and the level of effort in collaboration with NI.
  • Develop and manage the event planning process within approved timelines and budget.
  • Identify suitable venues and conduct site visits to proposed venues.
  • Provide oversight on meal provision through vetted and approved vendors.
  • Handle all protocols, logistic requirements (including hybrid, if necessary), and payments to vendors/suppliers/resource persons/state program teams.
  • Handle all protocols and logistics requirements for participant attendance to events including travel arrangements, issuing of per-diems, and booking of accommodation.
  • Set up event venues including seating and all the necessary visual equipment.
  • Produce and provide event documents including agenda, attendance, minutes/report, evaluation forms, and other advertising materials where needed (i.e., banners).
  • Compile feedback from event evaluation forms and share with NI.
  • Hold state planning meetings with Nutrition International’s team to seek approval on selected venues, vendors, logistics, and meeting documents.
  • Any other services as may be required.

4. Deliverables of the Consultancy

In close consultation with NI, the Event Management firm is expected to provide the following deliverables for the event:

  • List of proposed meeting venues and vendors (food and accommodations) with quotations from three venues.
  • Detailed plans and budgets for proposed events.
  • Event reports/minutes, pictures, videos, and signed attendance sheets.
  • Compiled evaluation forms.
  • Financial reports for proposed events including signed forms where participants receive funds.
  • Invoices/receipts of payments to vendors and participants including signed forms by each participant in the event they receive funds.

5. Management and Supervision arrangements

  • Firm to be managed and supervised by NI.
  • All deliverables will be planned in consultation with NI and the State government.
  • Prior approval from NI will be sought for events’ proposed plans and budgets.
  • The selected agency/ consultant will be required to submit venues and vendor quotations at least two weeks prior to the event for approval by NI.
  • Prior approval from NI will be sought for the selection of meeting venues and proposed food vendors.

6. Key Specifications for the Event Management Firm

For an event management firm to be considered for this role, it must meet the following criteria:

  • A company registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
  • Has a Tax Clearance Certificate (at least 3 years).
  • Has the capacity and demonstrated experience to coordinate and successfully manage meeting logistics nationwide, particularly in FCT and Nassarawa state, where the activities will be conducted. • Has robust financial structures to process payments to third parties e.g., participants, food vendors, and hotels.
  • Can provide at least three references from previous clients.
  • Timeline of the Assignment:

The timeline for the completion of this assignment is as agreed and contained in Annex D. 

  • Cost of the Assignment: 

The applicable cost for the assignment is inclusive of the service charge as contained in the approved event plan and budget. See Annex E. 

An electronic copy of the technical and financial proposals in MSWord and MS Excel should be submitted to NI by 24th May 2024 to [email protected]  

Annex D         
Event Event DescriptionProposed date LocationNo DaysofDurationNo                of participantsNo          of         the participants required accommodationMeals (L: lunch, TB:    tea break); DSA
1. Conduct an integrated national stock status review workshop3 Resource persons/TA will require 5 days to support the workshop.                 35 Government participants (NPSCMP, National Health Programmes (NASCP, NACA, NMEP, RH/FP, Immunization, Nutrition, Narcotics, NTD), DFDS rep, and Host State participants) 8 partners (IHVN, CHAI, FHI360, CRS, GHSC-PSM, UNICEF, Nutrition International, UNFPA).June 10 –  15, 2024Nasarawa6 7 – 8 hours5 resource persons, 35 National government staff, 8 partners35DSA 2TB, 1L
2. Conduct development of quantification manual and national TOT on drug quantification on essential medicines to strengthen DRF/DMA systems workshop          3 Resource persons/TA will require 20 days to support the workshop.            – 6 regional state representatives will require DSA, flights, and transportation  35 Government participants (NPSCMP, National Health Programmes (NASCP, NACA, NMEP, RH/FP, Immunization, Nutrition, Narcotics, NTD), DFDS rep, and Host State participants) 8 partners (IHVN, CHAI, FHI360, CRS, GHSC-PSM, UNICEF, Nutrition International, UNFPA).June 24                         Nasarawa                        20                         8 – 9                        3 resource persons, 35 National government staff, 8 partners              41                        DSA 2TB, 1L                      
    Conduct a national event on diarrhea management and treatment.                               Conduct micronutrient stakeholders meeting    Resource person will require 3 days to support the event.                                 Resource person will require DSA and car hire  Resource person will require DSA and car hire                                               30 SPHCDA, SMOH, SMBNP, SRUWASA, Academias and SMWA staff will require DSA, return air flight tickets, airport shuttles, and transport for 3 days.  -50 FMOH, NPHCDA, NPSMPA, NWASH, and FMWA, staff will require interstate transportation. -20 nutrition and wash partners       -35 FMOH DSA and transport for 2 days.    – 25 Nutrition Partners      June 15                                     June 3    Abuja                                     Nasarawa    3                                     2    7-8 hrs                                     7-8hrs    4 resource person, 50 National government staff, 30 state govt staff, 20 partners                       35 national staff, 25 partners    30                                     35    DSA 2TB, 1L                                   DSA 2TB, 1L