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Short-Term Technical Assistant (STTA) – Community Mobilization Officer, Peace Building at Creative Associates International

Creative Associates International invites interested and qualified consultants to tender applications for the following works:

Creative Associates International provides outstanding, on-the-ground development services and forges partnerships to deliver sustainable solutions to global challenges. Its experts focus on building inclusive educational systems, transitioning communities from conflict to peace, developing sustainable economic growth, engaging youth, promoting transparent elections and more. Creative is recognized for its ability to quickly adapt and excel in conflict and post-conflict environments.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Short-Term Technical Assistant (STTA) – Community Mobilization Officer,Peace Building

RFQ Number: RFQ-YOL-05-22-0007Location: Demsa, Guyuk, Lamurde and Numan LGAs, Adamawa
Department: Programs
Reports to: The Program Manager
Estimated Period of Performance: June 15, 2022 – August30, 2022
Estimated Level of Effort: Around 13 days
Slot: 4 (One each in Demsa, Guyuk, Lamurde and Numan LGAs, Adamawa State)
Funded by: USAID/Nigeria, AID-OAA-I-13-0005/72062021F00005
From: Creative Associates International, Inc., on behalf of Nigeria Northeast Connection (NE Connection)
Funded by: USAID/Nigeria, AID-OAA-I-13-0005/72062021F00005

Creative Associates International, Inc., acting on behalf of the Nigeria Northeast Connection in Nigeria is soliciting offers for technical expertise in accordance with the Scope of Work included in Attachment 1, and Creative’s Consultant Agreement Terms and Conditions included in Attachment 2. Creative Associates International (Creative) through United States Agency for International Development Nigeria Mission (USAID/Nigeria) funding is implementing the Nigeria Northeast Connection (NE Connection) program: Building Community Resilience to Violent Extremism and Conflict in Northeast Nigeria.This program aims to strengthen the resilience of communities vulnerable to violent extremist infiltration and conflict in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe (BAY) states in northeast Nigeria.

Program Description

  • Program activities will be implemented directly by NE Connection staff or through local actors (i.e., grantees), with close oversight and technical assistance from program staff. In Adamawa state, Northeast Connection has identified Demsa, Guyuk, Lamurde, Mubi North, Mubi South, and Numan as target Local Government Areas (LGAs) for intervention.

The objectives of the NE Connection program are to ensure that:

  • Resilience of communities vulnerable to violent extremist infiltration and conflict enhanced.
  • Local capacity to respond to emerging threats developed.
  • As earlier presented, the program is implemented primarily through small grants at the community level, designed to address specific problems or requests hinging on learnings and recommendations from quarterly research.
  • Activity processes are as important as activity outputs in contributing to the program’ strategic goal. Program objectives are not met solely by performing tasks under an activity, but also through an inclusive locally led process that brings the community together to realize goals and foster positive engagement.

Position Summary

  • The STTA Community Mobilization Officer will support the mobilization of stakeholders and participants within the LGA to participate in Community Townhall Meeting, Capacity Building and Strategy Development Workshop, and Community Peacebuilding Dialogue Sessions in either Demsa, Guyuk, Lamurde, and Numan LGAs.
  • The STTAs will report to Northeast Connection Program Officer and work closely with STTA Facilitators and Rapporteur.
  • The STTAs will work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily and the consultancy is expected to be for a period of 13 days

Reporting & Supervision

  • The STTA shall report to the STTA Facilitator,supervised by the Nigeria Northeast Connection Program Officer under Adamawa state portfolio.

Tasks to be Performed
Primary responsibilities of the STTA will include but are not limited to the following:

  • Mobilization of stakeholders and participants in the LGA of focus to participate in a community town hall meeting
  • Mobilization of stakeholders and participants in the LGA of focus to participate in Capacity building and strategy development workshop
  • Mobilization of stakeholders and participants in the LGA of focus to participate in Community Peacebuilding Dialogue
  • Work with Rapporteurs and facilitators to ensure activity attendance during all training sessions.

Results and / or Deliverables

Deliverable# Days Due DateAmount
Submission of detailed note, clear minutes of meetings and proceedings during the planning meetings and kick-off meeting3June 15, 202230 %
Submission of detailed reports on all townhall meetings conducted in each of the focus LGAs. This should also include signed attendance sheets, pictures and photographs.5July 22, 202240 %
Submission of detailed report, attendance sheet and relevant details (pictures, photograph) during capacity building workshop and other task as assigned by the lead and supporting consultant5August 2230 %
Total13 Days 100 %

Required Skills & Qualifications

  • Diploma in any Social Science / Public Administration or any related field required.
  • Three (3) years of working experience in community service or leadership in a specific target LGA
  • Must be based in the specific LGA of focus
  • Spoken in English is required
  • Thorough knowledge of specific LGA of focus with a proven relationship with stakeholders within specific target LGAs
  • Multi-tasking with a positive attitude is required
  • Knowledge and understanding of local languages spoken in the project area (Hausa and any other local tribe within the LGA).
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet datelines is required.

Estimated Total Cost
Daily rate should be around NGN 13,482.00

Application Closing Date
27th May, 2022; (Time: 5:00PM Nigerian Time)

Method of Applications
All correspondence and/or inquiries regarding this Request for Quotations(RFQ) must reference the above RFQ number and be directed via email to: [email protected] Creative intends to award a fixed price consultant agreement but reserves the right to make multiple awards or no award.

Application Documents
Please submit the following documents to provide a quote in response to this RFQ:

  • Confirm that you have the qualifications and experience to perform the work as defined in the scope of work AND are available to perform the work during the period of performance required.
  • An updated CV that reflects the education, skills, and experience required in Attachment 1, and demonstrates the ability to carry out the scope of work;
  • Confirm that you can perform the work within the not-to-exceed level of effort (LOE) stated in the scope or provide an alternate LOE and justify. Also include any non-labor costs expectations.

Important Information and Notice

  • Any questions should be submitted in writing and emailed to: [email protected] no later than the above date. No questions will be entertained if they are received by means other than the specified email address, and any communications to alternate e-mail addresses may result in the disqualification of the bidder. The RFQ number listed above should be stated in the Subject line.
  • Answers to Questions: Answers will be compiled and distributed before close of business on 05/25/2022. Sincerely, Creative Associates International
  • Please note: Attachment 2 (Terms and Conditions), Annex A (Reps, Certs and Consents form) and Annexes B/C/D (W-8; W-9; Vendor forms, as applicable)are provided for your information at this stage in the solicitation process. Completed forms will be required only if you have been selected for the consulting opportunity.However, you may complete, sign, and submit the forms as part of your response to this request.
  • A Budget Template is also provided. You are not required to use this template and can submit pricing in any format that allows Creative to evaluate the realism and reasonableness of your price in relation to the work required.
  • Selection will be made on the basis of technical capability and overall best value. Modifications to this RFQ, including closing date extensions, will be posted on the same medium/website where the original solicitation is posted. Please check the website for updates.
  • Also note that Creative desires to keep potential consultant personal data on an internal database for the sole purpose of searching for qualified individuals for future opportunities. If you wish to be entered into our database to be considered for potential future work, please Click HERE

Click Here for Scope of Work (MS Word)

Click here to Download Terms and Conditions (MS Word)

Click Here Budget Template (MS Excel)

Click here to Download Request for Quotation (MS Word)

Click here to Download Annex A Certs. Reps. Consents (MS Word)

Click here to Download Vendor Information Form (PDF)

Click Here to Download W-8 Instruction – PDF

Click Here to Download W-9 Form – PDF