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Request for Proposal at Neem Foundation

Neem Foundation invites interested and eligible bidders to tender quotations for the following works:

Neem Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded as a direct response to the problem of insecurity in Nigeria. The Foundation was established under Nigerian law in January 2016 and is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission. We are committed to improving the lives of those affected by the insurgency and preventing violence through building inclusive communities and providing and raising the standards of psychosocial care.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) – Vehicle Rental

Interpretation of the RFQ

This RFQ is an invitation to treat and shall not be construed as an offer capable of being accepted or as creating any contractual, other legal rights.

This RFQ is conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of Neem Procurement Policy and other relevant Organizational Directives and Administrative Instructions that are referred to in the Procurement Document.

Schedule Requirement

  • Vehicle Specifications:
    • The supplier shall provide in Katsina, Zamfara and Sokoto State three SUVS or Buses (Toyota or equivalent), 2008 model or later.
    • The car should be petrol driven.
    • Clean inside and out and free from unpleasant odours;
    • Road-worthy and in good condition.
    • Equipped with necessary safety items, including fire extinguisher, seat-belt restraints, spare tire, mechanical jack, and basic hand tools.
    • Air conditioning & heating systems must be functional with cold and hot air system.
    • Compliant with applicable insurance, safety, or other motor vehicle requirements.
    • Registered for operation during the period of his Contract with registration documentation in the vehicle and registration/number plates affixed to the vehicle as required by law; and
    • Original vehicle registration, driver’s license and other documentation should always be available in the vehicle being rented (in case of checkpoints, etc.)
  • Working Hours and Approved Route:
    • The vehicle shall be available on request Monday to Friday between the official business hours of; but exceptional requests may be made for operation outside normal hours for which no extra charge shall be incurred for the car except driver’s overtime cost.
    • During the period of operation for Neem Foundation, the vehicle shall carry passengers or goods authorized by Neem Foundation
  • Payment and Requests for Service:
    • There will be no obligation to order a minimum or maximum quantity of service; Rental services are to be provided upon written e-mail request.
    • A trip log in which mileage, start and end time of service, driver name etc. is to be maintained. The
    • format of the trip log is to be agreed upon by both parties and the log must be certified at end of trip by Neem Foundation.
    • Payments will be made upon the submission of an invoice, together with trip log, monthly.
  • Special Conditions:
    • The vehicle and driver shall be made available normally during working days from Monday to Friday between the hours of 0800 and 1600. A weekly schedule will be provided in advance, but exceptional requests may be made for operation outside normal hours, for which no extra charge shall be incurred for the car except driver’s overtime cost. During the period of operation for Neem Foundation, the vehicle shall carry passengers or goods authorized by Neem.
    • The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the operation of the vehicle and ensure that the driver operates the vehicle in accordance with applicable law. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for payment of salary and other benefits to its driver as required by the governing labor laws, as well as for paying any fees incurred by the driver, including but not limited to fines for traffic violations. Neem Foundation shall not be liable for any action, omission, negligence or misconduct of such driver, nor for any costs, expenses or claims associated with any illness, injury, death or disability of such driver performing services in connection with this Contract. Neem Foundation shall have no responsibility vis-à-vis the driver.
  • The driver(s) shall be:
    • Properly trained in the operation and maintenance of the vehicle.
    • Sufficiently experienced, with at least Three years of experience as a driver.
    • Licensed for operating a motor vehicle, including for passenger service if available, familiar with local routes and destinations.
    • Properly attired during hours of operation.
    • Always observe basic courtesy to passenger(s), fellow motorists and road authorities; In possession of no prior accident records; and
    • In possession of a mobile phone with an active number provided by the Contractor
  • The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional and technical competence of its employees and will select, for work under this Contract, reliable individuals who will perform effectively in the implementation of this Contract, respect the local customs, and conform to a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.
  • During the period of operation for Neem Foundation, the driver shall receive instructions solely from the Neem authorized passenger(s) and travel the most efficient, safe and secure route to any indicated destination, without deviation for personal or other reasons not associated with Neem Foundation’s interests, and without interruption of Neem’s purposes for the trip.
  • The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any and all maintenance, servicing and repair needs of the vehicle during the term of this Contract, and all costs related thereto, and shall ensure that the vehicle operates properly during the term of this Contract. Except in the case of emergencies, the Contractor shall ensure that service and repair does not take place during the hours that Neem Foundation requires the vehicle, or at any other time that will interfere with Neem’s’ purposes for the use of the vehicle. In the event that the vehicle is not able to be used at any of the requested times, the Contractor will provide another vehicle with the same specifications within two (2) hours of the incident which caused the vehicle to be unavailable.

Bidder Eligibility

  • Bidders may be a private, public, or any association with legal capacity to enter a binding Contract with Neem Foundation
  • A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. A bidder shall be considered to have a conflict of interest if:
  • A Bidder has a close business or family relationship with a Neem Foundation’s personnel who: (i) are directly or indirectly involved in the preparation of the bidding documents or specifications of the contract, and/or the bid evaluation process of such contract; or (ii) would be involved in the implementation or supervision of such contract;
  • A Bidder is associated, or has been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by Neem to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design, specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods, services or works required in the present procurement process;
  • A Bidder has an interest in other bidders, including when they have common ownership and/or management.
  • Bidders shall not submit more than one bid, except for alternative offers, if permitted. This will result in the disqualification of all bids in which the Bidder is involved. This includes situations where a firm is the Bidder in one bid and a sub-contractor on another; however, this does not limit the inclusion of a firm as a sub-contractor in more than one bid.
  • Bidders must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest in the Quotation Submission Form and they shall be deemed ineligible for this procurement process unless such conflict of interest is resolved in a manner acceptable to Neem. Failure to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest may lead to the Bidder being sanctioned.

Application Closing Date
21st March, 2022.

Submission of Documents

All documents should be sent in Microsoft Word or PDF formats to: [email protected]

Email the below sets of documents as one attachment:

  • Profile of the Bidder/vendor
  • Tax Identification Number
  • Certificate of Incorporation – Corporate Affairs Commission
  • Two reference letters from contracts executed


  • Neem Foundation reserves the right to review the qualifications of the driver before commencement of service, or at any other time during the term of this Contract but shall have no obligation to do so. At Neem’s request, the Driver shall be replaced with another meeting the above conditions within 24 hours after receiving written notification from Neem.

Click Here (PDF) for more clarifications on the RFP.