Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited (“SDWPL”). A Chevron company and operator for the Agbami field on behalf of its co-ventures (FAMFA) Oil Limited, Prime 127 Nigeria Limited. Equinor Nigeria Energy Company Limited and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Invites interested and prequalified companies with relevant experience in the Provision of Solids Control and Services.
The contract is proposed to span a period of three(3) years with a possible optional term of one(1) year duration.
This Scope of Work (SOW) includes personnel, equipment, materials and deliverables for the provision of Solids Control to support Drilling & Completion program in deep water Nigeria from a dynamically positioned Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (s) (MODU). As a minimum, the contractor will be responsible for the supply and provision of:
Equipment Provision:
• Vertical or horizontal cuttings dryer units, each capable of processing 60 metric ton/hr or higher of shale shaker cuttings, producing processed cuttings with average ROC < 4% by weight and overall average <5% ROC when combined with centrifuge solids discard as calculated according to EGASPIN discharge requirements.
• Centrifuges: High-capacity, variable speed decanting centrifuges for low gravity solids removal and barite recovery of active mud system, and for solids removal and polishing of cuttings dryer effluent. Minimum centrifuge Processing Specifications: Average% ROC < 12% by weight (wet cuttings), Average % LGS in effluent <10% by volume.
• Pumps: Centrifugal or positive displacement pumps for the transfer of solids laden drilling mud from the active mud system or cutting dryer collection tank to the centrifuges. Centrifuge Feed pump shall deliver at least 50 gal/min and maximum 200 gal/min or higher.
• Augers: Minimum 14” screw conveyors for safe and efficient cuttings transport from shale shakers to cuttings dryers or waste skips and then to overboard discharge. Auger system shall be capable of handling and transporting drill cuttings while drilling a 19” diameter hole at 250 ft/hour average ROP (60 metric ton/hour) and 350 ft/hour instantaneous ROP(80 metric ton/hour). Full mechanical redundancy for shale shaker cuttings conveyance while drilling is required (i.e dual augers, spare motors, critical wear parts on site, etc).
• Ancillary Equipment: Vacuum System, pressure washer, necessary fittings, hoses, tanks, and other supporting equipment, including contingency equipment and multi-compartment tank to collect liquid effluent from the cuttings dryers for further processing. Services:
• Equipment Installation and Commissioning: Onsite setup and commissioning of all solids control equipment.
• Operational Management: Continuous operation of equipment to ensure optimal performance.
• Fluids Conditioning: Regular conditioning of drilling fluids to maintain their properties within specific parameters.
• Waste Management: Efficient Management and disposal of drill cuttings and Waste in compliance with environmental regulations.
• Maintenance and Repairs: Ongoing maintenance and timely repair of all provided equipment.
• Performance Monitoring: Real-time monitoring and adjusting of equipment settings for optimal solids removal efficiency
• Troubleshooting: Rapid response to operational issues to minimize downtime.
• Equipment Removal and Decommissioning: Onsite rig-down and decommissioning of all solids control equipment at the end of contract term or installation/removal during Term of contract or as required.
a) To be eligible for this tender exercise, interested bidders are required to be pre-qualified and “live” in the 3.15.04(Well Services) category of the NipeX Joint Qualification System (NJQS) database. All successfully pre-qualified and ‘live’ bidders in this category by the bid close date will receive invitation to submit Technical and Commercial Tender (ITT).
b) To confirm if you are pre-qualified and view the product/service category you are listed for: Open www.vendors.nipex-ng.com and access NJQS with your log in details. Click on Products/Services tab to view your status and product codes.
c. If you are not listed in the product service category and you are registered with NUPRC to do business in this category, please contract NipeX office at 27b Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi Lagos with your NUPRC certificate (formerly called DPR Certificate) as evidence for verification and necessary update.
d. To initiate and complete the JQS prequalification process, access www.nipex-ng.com click on services tab followed by NJQS registration.
e. To be eligible, all tenders must comply with Nigerian Content requirements in the NipeX system.
Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited is committed to the development of the Nigerian Oil and Gas business in observance with the level set in the schedule of the Act and any other target as may be directed by the Nigerian Content criterion will not be allowed to participate in next Tender Stage
The following are the Nigerian Content requirements bidders are expected to comply with in their technical bid submission.
a. Demonstrate that entity is a Nigerian registered company with 51% or shareholding capacity. Tender shall provide evidence of company Ownership Structure form C02 and C07, registration on NOGIC JQS and NUPRC certificate.
b. Detailed description of the location of in-country committed facility & infrastructure(Administrative /Technical offices) in Nigeria to support this contract
c. Provide evidence of percentage of management that are Nigerian Nationals and the percentage of the total workforce that are Nigerians.
d. The Tender shall provide evidence of category 1,2,3,4 or 5 non-moveable asset (DA) group NCEC to demonstrate ownership of equipment not limited to cutting dryers unit, centrifuges, pumps, Augers, etc. to be utilized in the execution of the work scope.
e. Tenderer shall comply with the latest approved version of NCDMB HCD guideline by committing (via a letter of undertaking) to providing Project-Specific training, man-hour, budget, skill development and understudy plan for Nigerian personnel utilizing OGTAN registered trainer(s) or other approved NCDMB training institution(s).
Only bidders who are prequalified and’live’ with NJQS Product/Category 3.15.04(Well Services) by 16:00 Hours, 22 May, 2024, being the advert close date shall be invited to submit technical bid.
Additional Information:
1. Suppliers eligible for this tender opportunity are expected to be prequalified in NJQS under this product/service category
2. The invitation to tender (ITT) and any further progression of this tender shall be via NipeX
3. All costs incurred in preparing and processing NJQS prequalification shall be to the contractor’s accounts.
4. This advertisement shall neither be construed as any form of commitment on the part of Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited/Chevron Nigeria Limited to award any contract to any company and or associated companies., sub-contractors or agents , nor shall it entitle prequalified companies to any claims whatsoever, and/or seek any indemnity for Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited/Chevron Nigeria Limited and or any of its partners by virtues of such companies having been prequalified in NJQS.
5. The tendering process shall be the NNPCL contracting process requiring prequalified companies to submit technical tenders first. Following a technical review, only technically and financially qualified contractors will be requested to submit commercial tenders.
6. Star Deep Water Petroleum Limited Will communicate only with authorized officers of the pre-qualifying companies and NOT through individuals or Agents.
Please visit NipeX portal at www.nipex-ng.com
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