The Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research is an indigenous, non-profit organization that promotes best practices in health care delivery, medical training and research using locally adapted models of health systems strengthening. CCCRN has established a formidable presence in Nigeria. With the headquarters in Federal Capital Territory and field offices in its operational states, CCCRN built a vast network of health and allied professional staff, partners and collaborators.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: ASW (Auxiliary Social Work) Consultant
Locations: Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Cross River
Timeline: August – September 2023
Total Number of Consultancy Days: 17 days (Note that 3 days for identification of Institution and MOU signing, CCCRN will be responsible for transport, accommodation and perdiem)
Scope of Work for the Adaptation and Institutionalization of Auxiliary Social Work (ASW) Course
- The Integrated Child Health and Social Services Award (ICHSSA) Lot 1 Project currently being implemented in Fifty-Four (54) LGAs in Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa and Cross River State by consortium partners led by CCCRN in partnership with CRS with funding from USAID.
- The project is focused on providing HIV-gender sensitive comprehensive health and social services to OVC.
- CCCRN intends to support the institutionalization of the Auxiliary Social Work (ASW) Course in a higher institution of learning in its project states.
Roles ad Responsibilities
The Consultant will:
- Lead the process of adaptation of the ASW Curriculum.
- The consultant must ensure that the contextualized curriculum aligns with OVC Case Management programs for the respective project states and the identified institution training programme.
- Develop Learning Resources (Facilitators Guide, Participants Manual, and PowerPoint Presentations)- a consultant will be engaged by CCCRN to develop the learning resources for the training in the identified institution.
- Lead CCCRN team on the process of identifying and negotiating with the institution of higher learning to run the curriculum in collaboration with CCCRN.
- The institution of higher learning – a state university or polytechnic that offers social work or similar courses will be selected to offer the Auxiliary Social Work course at certificate level, using the adapted and contextualized curriculum.
- Lead drafting and signing of MoU with identified institutions of higher learning- MoU will cover considerations from both parties (the institution and implementing partner-CCCRN) and with the clear deliverables and program expectations.
- Conduct TOT for institution faculty members to run the curriculum- resource persons will lead the training of trainers for the identified institution lecturers using the developed learning resources.
- The TOT will equip the lecturers on the course outlines, the duration for each outline, and the expected knowledge impact.
- Lead the process of sensitization of state government and stakeholders on the program goals, curriculum design, program goals and concept of running the program.
- Present the finalized ASW Curriculum to CCCRN and the Identified higher institution of learning for approval.
- Prepare and present a report of the of the process to CCCRN at the end of the contract period.
- Develop and share an activity plan schedule for the contract period with CCCRN on engagement for approval.
- The consultant will work closely with the Senior Advisor System Strengthening and Advocacy / Resource Mobilization to carry out this assignment.
The following tasks will be carried out by the Consultant:
S/N | Task | Description of Task | LOE |
1 | Initial briefing | Develop and share an activity plan schedule for the contract period with CCCRN on engagement for approval.Brief senior management on work plan and curriculum content. | On boarding meeting |
2 | Adapt ASW Curriculum to ICHSSA 1 Project context | Adaptation of the ASW Curriculum. The consultant must ensure that the contextualized curriculum aligns with OVC Case Management programs for the respective project states and the identified institution training program. | 3 days |
3 | Identification of institution of higher learning for MoU preparation and signing with the clear deliverables and program expectations | Identify an institution of higher learning – a state university or polytechnic that offers social work or similar courses will be selected to offer the Auxiliary Social Work course at certificate level.The institution will be ready and willing to use the adapted and contextualized ASW curriculum developed to offer the certificate course. Draft MoU with identified institutions of higher learning- MoU will cover considerations from both parties (the institution and implementing partner-CCCRN) and with the clear deliverables and program expectations. Lead the signing of the MOU between the institution of higher learning and CCCRN – deliver a copies to both the institution and CCCRN | 3 days |
4 | Develop Learning Resources (Facilitators Guide, Participants Manual, and PowerPoint Presentations) | Develop Learning Resources (Facilitators Guide, Participants Manual, and PowerPoint Presentations) for the training in the identified institution. | 4 days |
5 | TOT for Institution faculty members to run the curriculum | With the institution’s management identify not more than 20 persons from the faculty for TOT. Conduct the TOT for Institution faculty members to run the curriculum using developed learning resources. The TOT will equip the lecturers on the course outlines, the duration for each outline, and the expected knowledge impact. | 5 days |
6 | Conduct sensitization of state government and stakeholders on the program goals, curriculum design, program goals and concept of running the program | Lead the process of sensitization of state government and stakeholders on the program goals, curriculum design, program goals and concept of running the program.Identify different medium for sensitization of state government and stakeholders on the program goals, curriculum design, program goals and concept of running the program and share with CCCRN. | 1 day |
7 | Present the finalized ASW Curriculum to CCCRN and the Identified higher institution of learning for approval | Present the finalized ASW Curriculum to CCCRN and the Identified higher institution of learning for approval before the TOT. | 1 day |
8 | Finalized report, presentation guide, power point, manual submitted to CCCRN. | Present a final report of the of the process to CCCRN at the end of the contract period. | N/A |
Total number of contract days | 17 days |
Deliverables in Mile Stones
- M1: Finalized calendar /work plan for the consultancy and share with CCCRN.
- M2: Identification of institution of higher learning for MoU preparation and signing with clear deliverables and program expectations for the curriculum certificate course.
- M3: Reviewed and Contextualization of ASW Curriculum
- M4: Present the finalized ASW Curriculum to CCCRN and the Identified higher institution of learning for approval
- M5: Development of Facilitators Guide, Participants Manual and Power Point Presentations
- M6: Conduct sensitization of state government and stakeholders on the program goals, curriculum design, program goals and concept of running the program
- M7: TOT for the member staff of the institution of higher learning.
- M8: Final Approved Consultancy Report, Facilitators Guide, Participants Manual and Power Point Presentations to CCCRN
- All travel arrangements should be agreed and arranged by the CCCRN.
Reporting and Work Relationships:
- The consultant will work closely with the Senior Advisor System Strengthening and Advocacy / Resource Mobilization to carry out this assignment.
Qualification and Requirements
Candidate must possess the following qualification and experience to be hired for the position:
- At least a Degree in Social Work, Sociology, Public Health, or any other related course (Master’s Degree and any qualification in Curriculum development are an added advantage)
- Over 10 years of experience developing curriculum or supporting the process. He/she must demonstrate a sound understanding of Social Welfare in Nigeria
- Experience carrying out a similar assignment either sub-regional or national level.
- Experience planning and facilitating sub-national and national technical meetings and workshop.
- Demonstrated skills in MOU drafting is required.
- Experience in multi-level stakeholder’s engagement
- Excellent interpersonal skills, including experience, successfully interacting with USG implementing partners, federal and state government officials, Institutions, and other stakeholders
- Cultural sensitivity, particularly in multiethnic and multi-religious contexts.
- Fluency in English
- Strong writing skills.
Payment will be based on satisfactory completion of milestones as shown:
Tasks | % Effort | Level of Effort |
First payment: completion of M1-and M4 | 60% | 10days |
Final payment: completion of M5- M8 with Final consultancy report, facilitators guide, participants manual and power point presentations submitted | 30% | 7 days |
Total number of consultancy days | 17 days |
Application Closing Date
21st August, 2023.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Note: Candidates are encouraged to click on the link above, complete the form and submit their CV / Resume and Cover Letter form.