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Production And Installation Of Billboards In 5 LGA’s Of Adamawa State At Oxfam


Oxfam, CEPAD, CRUDAN and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) gmbh with funding fromtheGermanFederalMinistryforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment(BMZ) is implementing an eight 8, Months project in 5 lgas of Adamawa State beginning in Michika LGA. The project is aimed at establishing a community-led participatory planning process that ensures that all members of the community are involved in the development and implementation of community development plans and can leverage relevant government and non-governmental structures in driving their community development process.


All proposal must be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject “- ToR_Production of Billboards


Closing date: August 20, 2023.

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That Oxfam as an international INGO is exempted from paying tax and VAT. Please consult FIRS rules while submitting your quotation.
• Total cost are subject to 5% withholding tax for individual and 10% for registered firms, in accordance with the Nigeria tax laws.
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