TECHNICAL ADVICE CONNECT (TACONNECT) is inviting qualified professional firms for a short-term technical consultancy to conduct gender analysis across 10 BMGF priority states. This analysis will aim to identify the root causes of existing gender inequalities and the extent to which gender roles, norms, and inequalities affect sexual behavior, risk-taking, and health-seeking behavior, as well as access to and utilization of the RMNCH continuum of care.
Technical Advice Connect LTD/GTE (TAConnect) is an innovative Technical Assistance (TA) delivery platform, conceptualized by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and incubated by DAI Nigeria to respond to State TA priorities to promote sustainable improvements in State Primary Healthcare (PHC) systems’ performance, Group Anti-natal care (G-ANC) and increase the uptake of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) services.
TAConnect employs an innovative approach aimed at delivering TA services to state governments while strengthening the capacity of state institutions for enhanced PHC service delivery and holding accountability for financial and programmatic results to both donors and the State Government.
TAConnect operates by matching requests for TA from states to compatible TA supplies from donors and TA providers. The enhanced coordination of TA deployments would, in turn, lead to increased cost efficiency, technical efficacy, more effective system strengthening and ownership by states, long-term sustainability, and increased local capacity.
Specifically, we are seeking:
• Gender Analysis consultancy services
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to select an experienced and qualified professional Firm to provide Gender analysis consultancy services to TACONNECT Ltd. The successful applicant must be authorized to do business in Nigeria, with experience with similar size entities and lines of business to TAConnect.
Interested companies are to submit the following documents. Offerors are advised to read carefully and ensure that a complete set of documents are submitted. TAConnect is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time without incurring any liabilities and assigning any reason thereof.
• Corporate Profile showcasing track record and competency to undertake the assessment.
• Sound technical proposal (max 15 pages) for the assessment showcasing approach, methodology and workplan (with clear timeline), sampling strategy and data collection tools.
• Financial proposal and budget in Naira (separating core consultancy costs, daily rates of team members and in-country data collection costs).
• Examples of and/or links to previous or similar pieces of work or publications.
• Evidence of Company Registration (Certificate of Incorporation of the Company)
• Affidavit disclosing that all the documents submitted are not only correct but genuine. That the directors(s) has/have never been convicted by any court of law. That none of firm’s directors or the company is bankrupt. Whether or not any of the officers of TAConnect Ltd is a former or present director of the company.
• Company Profile; registered address(s), official/functional emails, telephone numbers and point of contact for the company
• Evidence of legal registration document of the company (CAC, FORM CO7 and FORM CO2)
• Latest Tax Clearance Certificate
• Evidence of Financial Capability (most recent audited account)
• Evidence of provision of gender analysis services for reputable organizations preferably NGOs of similar scope and complexity within the last 3 years: Bidders must provide a copy(ies) of Awards Letters and/or Contracts.
• Financial Quotation and required Commercial Terms using the Schedule of Fee Section of the SOW
• Firms with previous experience managing large-scale research across multiple states.
• Experience working on gender and health projects, including RMNCH+N projects.
• Experience conducting gender analysis; experience conducting analysis with RMNCH+N/HIV projects is highly preferred.
• Familiarity with Nigerian socio-cultural norms and structures
• Knowledge of BMGF gender policies and strategies
• Demonstrated skills in qualitative research methods required.
• Demonstrated capacity to analyze complex issues, draw relevant conclusions and produce a comprehensive technical report.
• Strong writing skills
• Cultural sensitivity, particularly in multiethnic and multireligious contexts.
The selected Firm must meet all regulations and requirements for Nigeria. TAConnect reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in whole or part, to award any one service or group of services or all services, to negotiate with any or all companies submitting proposals, and to enter into an agreement with any company for any services mentioned in this RFP, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of TAConnect.
TAConnect reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any claims made on the tender documents submitted by companies.
1. Identify the extent to which gender roles and norms affect access to and utilization of RMNCH+N continuum of care.
2. Examine harmful gender norms and practices that affect sexual behavior, risk-taking, and health-seeking behavior, as well as access to and utilization of the RMNCH continuum of care.
3. Assess GBV response availability, adequacy, and quality of clinical and non-clinical post-GBV services.
4. Examine the relationship between gender and access to income and productive resources including education, that may impede access to RMNCH+N services.
The contextual analysis is expected to:
1. identify root causes of existing gender inequalities.
2. increase understanding about how to address gender inequalities.
3. identify different RMNCH+N needs and priorities of men and women over the short and long-term
4. avoid programs and activities perpetuating traditional power imbalances.
5. enhance the likelihood of strengthened and sustainable project or activity results.
6. collect sex-disaggregated baseline data.
Key Deliverables/Output
1. Bi-weekly progress report
2. An updated work plan and conceptual framework to be used to collect and analyze data.
3. Gender analytical framework
4. Protocol that includes sample plan, the timeline for fieldwork, etc.
5. Questionnaires and tools (discussion guide and interview questions for the different categories of respondents)
6. Ethical Approval for the study
7. A gender analysis study report including findings and recommendations.
8. Gender Strategies document based on findings from the gender analysis.
9. Debrief with TAConnect on findings and recommendations.
10. Copies of all transcribed qualitative interviews.
11. PowerPoint Presentation of findings of the Gender Analysis
The period of the assignment will be a total of 50 working days across all TAconnect-supported states and might require multiple firms. This assignment is on a full-time and output-based basis.
The most promising responses will be evaluated in detail. Additional information may be sought from the Firm(s). Firm(s) may be asked to present and explain their proposals. TAConnect reserves the right to waive non-material deficiencies in any proposal.
Proposals will be evaluated by TAConnect, which reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received. The following will serve as the basic criteria for the selection of the successful vendor:
1. Understanding of the work required as evidenced by the proposal. The completeness of the proposal will be critical.
2. The qualifications of the company.
3. The scope of the services offered.
4. Completeness and responsiveness to the requirements of the RFP.
5. Experience, qualifications, and competency in providing gender analysis consultancy services.
6. Good service and good value shall weigh heavily in the selection process.
This RFP shall not be construed to be a commitment on the part of the TAConnect, nor shall it entail the applicant to make any claim(s) whatsoever and/or seek any indemnity from TAConnect, by virtue of such applicant having responded to this RFP.
TAConnect will not be responsible for any cost or expenses incurred by any interested party in connection with any response to an inquiry nor shall it entitle any party submitting documents to claim any indemnity from TAConnect.
TAConnect is not bound to shortlist any bidder and reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time without incurring any liabilities and assigning any reason.
1. One electronic copy (Adobe Acrobat format) should be submitted to [email protected] on or before 7th of February 2023 at 17:00 WAT, at which time the advert will be closed.
2. A cover letter shall be included with the proposal on the firm’s letterhead.
3. with a duly authorized signature and company stamp/seal. The letter will include: Name of Business, Address, Contact Person, Phone Number, and Email Address.
4. Proposals will be evaluated based on what is deemed to be in the best interests of the TACONNECT Ltd/Gte, including such factors as the bidder’s experience and expertise in the provision of gender analysis consultancy services, the flexibility of the proposal, and total cost. The cost will not be the sole factor in evaluating bids. Please note that TAConnect Ltd /Gte is asking for a full proposal for the provision of gender analysis consultancy services.
5. Firm will certify a validity period of 30 days for the prices provided.
6. Provide an overview of your company, including a brief description of your company’s history, ownership structure, financial stability, philosophy/culture, and the approximate number of employees.
7. Describe your expertise in our industry, outlining your ability to provide expertise and experience in the areas of health benefit plan analysis and design.
8. Please indicate any other services, capabilities, designation, or experience that differentiates your organization from the competition.
9. List three current (not more than 2 years ago) clients for whom you provision of gender analysis consultancy services. For each client, the list must specify the type of work performed by your company and the period retained as a client. For each client, include the name, title, address, and phone number of a contact person whom TAConnect Ltd may contact as a reference.
10. Each proposer must submit a proposal that indicates the minimum requirements listed in Annex 1 and a price proposal. The price proposal must only include the price schedule for the provision of gender analysis consultancy services.
11. Proposal documents submitted late shall be rejected.
12. All submissions must be in English language.
13. Failure to comply with the instruction(s) and provide any required document(s) may automatically result in disqualification.