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Request for Quotation at Ohonyeta Care Givers (OCAG)

Ohonyeta Care Givers (OCAG) invites interested and qualified Individual / Companies to tender applications for the following works:

Ohonyeta Care Givers (OCAG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a society where vulnerable and marginalized community members have access and control over resources. OCAG works with communities, government and non-government agencies, and international organizations, to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services, providing technical support for monitoring and evaluation of programmes and activities for evidence-based decision-making and strategic planning.

Ohonyeta Caregivers (OCAG), Otukpo, Benue State is an NGO established in Otukpo, Benue state in 1997, and works principally with women and children especially U5s especially. We adopt a multi-sectoral approach to sustainable poverty reduction, aiming to build the capacity of vulnerable and marginalised members of the community and encourage awareness of productive and reproductive roles.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Request for Quotation (Non-food Items and Water Sanitation and Hygiene Items)

Location: Benue


  • OCAG and Christian Aid with funding support from STARTfund Network is seeking to provide Non-food Items and Water Sanitation and Hygiene items for affected population on the vulnerability index in Benue and Kogi States.

Lot 1
Home Accessories / Beddings

  • Blanket, standard (30 inches by 45 inches) 600bales
  • Mosquito Net (Long Lasting Insecticide Nets treated) 400 packs
  • Buckets (18 litres plastic bucket) 2,616pieces
  • Mattresses(6” by 3”) 300 pieces
  • Life Jacket (for children and adults) 70 pieces
  • Protective rain boots(rubber bootsfor children and adult use) 100 packs.

Lot 2

  • Sanitary pads (Women sanitary pads packs of 16) 100 packs
  • Diapers (80 pcs per pack (0 – 18 months Baby diaper) 120 packs
  • Tooth paste (140g by 50) 60 cartons
  • Disinfectants (germicide for cleaning of toilets and bathrooms (4 litres size)) 150 pieces
  • Tooth brush (soft, hard and medium sizes)100 cartons
  • Laundry soap (200g by 48) 300 cartons
  • Toilet soap (70g by 72) 300 cartons
  • Tissue Paper (Toilet papers pcks by 24 pcs) 420 packs.

Lot 3
Building Materials

  • Diggers (double edged) 300pieces
  • Shovels (for general use) 300 pieces
  • Wheel barrow (medium size) 70 pieces
  • Waste Disposal Bins (Large metalic 4wheels moveable)) 4pieces.

Lot 4
Water Guard

  • Water Guards (Solution for general use) 100 cartons.

The RFQ documents should contain:

  • Brief Company’s profile
  • Evidence of company incorporation with CAC
  • Evidence of Payment of taxes/Tax Identification Number
  • Evidence of execution of similar jobs in the past 3 years
  • Estimated delivery date by Supplier
  • Delivery costs if any
  • Bank name and address
  • Tax Identification number
  • Terms of Payment (After delivery or otherwise)
  • Quote validity period
  • Availability of samples for assessment.

Financial Bid / Price Quotes

  • You are expected to present your most competitive quote for the items in any of the Lots above because quality products at the lowest price with respect to the stated specification will be chosen
  • Payment terms and validity of quote should also be indicated. OCAG and Christian Aid is VAT exempt as such should not be reflected in the quotes however, 5% WHT will be deducted from the total amount for remittance to tax authorities.

Delivery Location:

  • OCAG office – 8 Canaan Close, behind Christ fire ministry Otukpo.

Bids will be evaluated based on the following Criteria

  • Competitive Price
  • Specifications (in relation to RFQ requirements)
  • Delivery Time (in Calendar days)
  • Payment terms.

Application Closing Date
Thursday 12pm, 14th September, 2022.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified Individual / Companies are to forward their bids to: [email protected] using “RFQ- NFIs” as the subject of the quotation.
Bids should be submitted in a sealed and properly labelled envelope, marked “RFQ- NFIs”, and addressed to:
The Procurement Committee,
Ohonyeta Care Givers (OCAG),
8 Canaan Close,
Behind Christ Fire Ministry,
Nitel Layout, Otupko,
Benue State.


  • All bids shall be considered and evaluated based on OCAG’s Procurement Guidelines, and only successful bidders will be notified.
  • For enquiries, Contact Daniel: 07033009151, or Mary: 08069370231.