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The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: “Support to Strengthening Resilience in North-East Nigeria Programme”, Financed by Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany and the European Union, is looking for qualified companies for printing of community development plans (CDP).

The tender may be tendered in lots geographic reference. The tender aims to print:
• 200 copies each of 45 individual community development plans (CDP) – (Gombi, Hong, Hawul, Shani) – A4, average of 38 pages, full color, on 90 g/m2 paper, shiny
• 200 copies of 10 individual CDP plans in a single/compilation bind (Gombi) – A4, average of 38 pages, full color, on 90 g/m2 paper, shiny, hard cover
• 200 copies of 12 individual CDP plans in a single/compilation bind (Hong) – A4, average of 38 pages, full color, on 90 g/m2 paper, shiny, hard cover
• 200 copies of 12 individual CDP plans in a single/compilation bind (Hawul) at – A4, average of 38 pages, full color, on 90 g/m2 paper, shiny, hard cover
• 200 copies of 11 individual CDP plans in a single/compilation bind (Shani) – A4, average of 38 pages, full color, on 90 g/m2 paper, shiny, hard cover

Accordingly, GIZ invites interested bidders to furnish GIZ Nigeria Country Office with the following:
a. An official letter expressing interest to supply Welding and Fabrication Equipment.
b. A brief company profile showing clearly an address for an office/shop or workshop with staff within region.
c. Evidence of registration with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)- copy of CAC certificate and Memorandum of Association clearly indicating relevant business area.
d. Evidence of being financially capable to finance such tender by an original introductory bank letter.
e. Evidence of experience with previous similar jobs (Printing). Third-party evidence will be considered first i.e. copy of completion certificate
f. Tax clearance certificate of the last three years indicating an average turnover of NGN 25, 000,000.00 NGN (2019 – 2021).
For consideration, all interested bidders should submit the aforementioned documents only in hardcopies in a sealed envelope to GIZ Nigeria Office reception at, No 12 Charles de Gaulle Close, Asokoro, Abuja labeled:
“Expression of Interest 91162905”

Your complete documents should not be more than 20 pages. Only complete documents received at the physical address indicated not later than Friday, 10th June 2022 by 5pm will be accepted and considered.

The shortlist for the successful bidders will be separated based on expressed lots.

Do not send price offer, kindly note that complete tender documents would be sent to firms that express their interest

Implemented by GIZ
Deutsche Gessellschaft
fur Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH