The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) invites interested consulting firms / organisations to indicate interest by submitting EOI documents for the following works:
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a non-profit foundation based in Geneva, Switzerland. GAIN was developed at the UN 2002 Special Session of the General Assembly on Children. GAIN’s actions include improving the consumption of nutritious and safe foods for all.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Evaluation Partner – Transforming Food Systems to Improve Diet Quality and Resilience for the Most Vulnerable
GAIN seeks to transform food systems leading to lasting changes that favour improved diet quality and ultimately, nutrition outcomes. With support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (MoFA), GAIN is embarking on a new round of programming (5-year grant) being undertaken in up to 6 countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mozambique, Benin, Uganda). The approach will build on the previous work of
GAIN and others and varies in each country context. In general, activities can be classified into 4 categories:
- Strengthening nutritious food value chains from production to consumption.
- Prioritise, empower, protect those in situations of vulnerability.
- Generate and use evidence for programme improvement, to inform policymaking, and to influence the approaches and priorities of others.
- Collaborate, share, disseminate, learn, and strengthen impact potential.
The portfolio of work is under development and the detailed theories of change and workplans will be finalized early to mid-2022.
With this RFP GAIN seeks an evaluation partner who will work closely with GAIN’s Knowledge Leadership team to conceptualize and eventually commission process and impact evaluations in at least 4 (Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Nigeria) and up to 6 focus countries (with the possible addition of Uganda and/or Benin). We envision this role as a thought partner through the life of the project (4-5 years), drawing on evidence and experience, and building on the evaluation approaches that have been utilized by GAIN previously to assess progress and impact of nutritious value chain projects.
The specific objectives to be addressed by this RFP are as follows:
- Review our programme designs (theories of change, logic models and results frameworks, assumptions, inception reports and other relevant documents).
- Design a proposed approach to assessing progress and impact of the programme in each of 4 (and up to 6) focus countries.
- Identify a local research / academic institution in each of the focus countries to conduct the evaluations as full intellectual partners (including local co-PI) and collaborate with these institutions throughout the evaluation lifetime.
- Lead, in collaboration with local research partners and GAIN, peer-reviewed papers on the findings of impact evaluations.
- Identify opportunities for and lead in collaboration with GAIN peer-reviewed papers about evaluation frameworks, approaches, methods, and similar.
Scope of Work
The successful applicant shall provide the following services:
- Review theories of change of all country programs, providing recommendations for improvement. Based on revised theory of change, develop detailed impact pathways and corresponding assumptions that can be used to guide the evaluation
- Support GAIN to ascertain evaluability of the programs in Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Nigeria by the end of 2022 (and potentially up to 2 additional countries by mid-2023)
- Based on the impact pathway and evaluability assessment, develop an initial overview of potential evaluation approaches for each of the country programs or each of the programme areas, including a detailed overview of how the partner will work with GAIN and engage with local academic/ research institutions as full evaluation partners (i.e., local co-PI), including specific details of roles and responsibilities for all stages of evaluations from design through reporting and publications
- Identify a local evaluation partner in each country context and support (together with GAIN) that partner to obtain all relevant ethical approvals, access and data collection permissions as appropriate, e.g., government approvals.
- Support the local partner in the development of study protocols (including literature review, detailed methodology and justification, sampling plan (where applicable), data analysis plan, and data collection tools) for review and approval by GAIN and manage and lead on cross-country research, where identified and applicable (including meta-analyses and reporting and publications).
- Support or oversee (as agreed with GAIN) all aspects of primary data collection, quality assurance, and data entry, cleaning, management and analyses conducted by local implementing partners.
- For primary data collected, ensure that GAIN receive raw and clean datasets, accompanying codebooks, and syntax and output of all data analyses. If quantitative data are collected, data documentation must be provided using Nesstar2.
- Work with local evaluation partners (aligned with pre-defined roles and responsibilities) to draft full reports, including literature review, methods, data collection activities, results and conclusions/recommendations.
- Identify opportunities for and lead in collaboration with GAIN peer-reviewed papers about evaluation frameworks, approaches, methods, and similar.
Application Closing Date
5:00pm, 6th May, 2022.
Submission of Documents
Expressions of Interest should be in English and submitted in electronic copy to the following e-mail address: [email protected] Please include EoI: EVALUATION PARTNER -Transforming food systems in the subject line.
Instructions for Expression of Interest
- This RFP will be managed in a 2-stage process.
- This initial expression of interest must be based on the information available in this request for Expression of Interest (EOI) only and does not represent a commitment to submit a full proposal should the additional details modify the interest.
- For those selected to submit a full proposal, no funding will be made available from GAIN for this process.
- GAIN anticipates inviting 2-4 expressions of interest to submit a full proposal. The decision will be based on understanding of the task, viability and innovation of proposed approach, and composition of the team.
For the expression of interest, we request a response of no more than 4 pages (including 1 page for the financial justification) containing at least the following information:
- Clear explanation of the bidder’s understanding of the role of the proposed evaluation partner
- Brief overview of proposed approach to meeting the 3 stated objectives
- Overview of approach to working in collaboration with GAIN
- Capacity statement outlining key proposed team members and overview of relevant experience
- One page overview and justification of anticipated costs (excluding field data collection and costs to be borne by local partners)
Click Here (PDF) for a detailed description of the EOI.
Related Document: EOI Queries (PDF).