The United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF) invites competent and experienced contractors to tender RFP documents for the supply of the following works:
The United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF) is a United Nations agency for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world. It was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1946. UNICEF in accordance with its Charter and Mission statement, works with governments, civil society organizations and other partners in more than one hundred and sixty countries to advance children’s rights to survival, protection, development, and participations, and in doing so is guided by the convention on the rights of the child.
Applications are invited for:
Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) – Procurement, Training and Software Maintenance of a Cloud-Based Accounting Package for State Primary Health Care Development Agencies/Boards
Reference: RFP 9174413
Nigeria has the highest number of unimmunized children in the world, estimated at 4.3 million children in 2018. In recent years, the coverage of DPT3/Penta 3, a key indicator of a country’s performance of Routine Immunisation, has fallen from 52 per cent in 2014 to 33 per cent in 2016. Fluctuations have also been observed in the coverage of other antigens given in the country. Evidence form 2016 MICS/NICS surveys indicated that wide variations exist in RI performance across the Country’s zones with the South East and South West zones showing high RI performance, while the North East and North West show low performance. The disparity is driven by several factors which include socioeconomic status, and personal beliefs of the care givers. The decline in DPT3/Penta 3 in Nigeria from 52% in 2016 to 33% in 2018 has left more than 3.2 million children under the age of 12 months under immunized in 2018, adding to the already existing huge pool of susceptible under-fives which has led to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable disease across the country.
Implementable and sustainable strategies to vaccinate very eligible child are critical if we are to save the lives of every Nigerian child. Bottlenecks to the low immunisation coverage include poor community sensitization on available routine services with prioritization of immunization campaigns rather than on health system strengthening and provision of commodities for routine services; frequent and prolonged public sector health worker strikes in some states; prolonged periods of non-payment of salaries; inadequate funding and fund disbursement delays; insecurity in the north-eastern states affecting the most marginalized communities; inadequate integration of routine immunization services with broader PHC services; poor community linkage, trust and community engagement, which slows the Reach Every Ward immunization approach; weak demand at community level due to low awareness of benefits of immunization; poor quality of immunization data at LGA and health facility levels; and poor maintenance of cold chain equipment.
In alignment with the Nigeria Strategy for Immunisation and PHC Systems Strengthening (NSIPSS) and IA2030 and GAVI’s 5.0 strategy for 2021-2025, which are all premised on strengthening national and subnational capacities to improve and sustain immunization coverage and maintain PHC service delivery, UNICEF, GAVI and participating State Primary Health Care Development Agencies/Boards of Bayelsa, Katsina, Jigawa, Kebbi, Zamfara, Niger, Gombe and Taraba are implementing a three year integrated routine immunization and PHC memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that aims to strengthen RI and PHC systems to significantly contribute to the reduction of mortality by preventing vaccine preventable deaths by attaining at least 80% equitable, sustainable coverage.
UNICEF will support the State Governments to achieve the goals of the Programme and will administer state funding disbursed from GAVI. Specifically, UNICEF will:
- Manage yearly fund allocations based on utilization and compliance with achievement of programmatic and AF goals (as verified by data sources indicated in the AF), for the implementation of the State’s RI and PHC HSS operational plan as per the agreed counterpart funding arrangement.
- Support the State Government in developing its annual work plan and getting it approved by State Government Leadership
- Review and approve the SPHCDA annual program workplan, following STFI/PHC’s approval and participate in workplan reviews. The SPHCDA may not commence the utilization of GAVI funds until UNICEF approves the annual workplans.
- Manage grant funds in line with the financial MoU signed at the national level
- Ensure timely disbursement of funds for use in State programs
- Support, through the national and field office, with the State Government to administer programs and build capacity within the State Government.
- Provide support in areas of vaccine and supply logistics, management, especially in the maintenance of the cold chain equipment, and PHC integration.
Additionally, UNICEF through this partnership will strengthen state financial management capacities of the eight states. Therefore, seeks to Procure, build capacities of State partners and maintain a cloudbased accounting package for each of the 8 MoU states to enhance financial management capacities, improve efficiency and effectiveness of Primary Health Care services and RI and enable the achievement of the MoU targets and goals.
Objectives and Targets
To pilot the computerisation of partners Public Financial Management (PFM) System such that the computerised financial management system can produce the necessary financial reports and ensure that there are appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of financial data, for example, password access controls, regular data back-up (including in the cloud), etc.
Scope of Work
Accounting software that can perform the following at the minimum and any other as may be required.
- Monthly Procedures and Timetable:
- End of Year Reporting
- Year End Accounting Routines
- Statement of Expenditure
Desired Qualifications / Experience Required
- Institution must have at least a minimum of three years of relevant technical/professional work
- Experience on using and training on accounting package/software
- Working experience with government, UNICEF or any other UN organization
- Provide CVs of proposed team members,
- Examples of similar past work done in the past 3 years etc.)
- Computer skills and excellent communication skills.
- Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills, especially working with government and development partners
Application Closing Date
4th May, 2022.
Submission of Documents
All proposals should be submitted via email to: [email protected] with the RFP number 9174413 used as email subject title.
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