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Expression of Interest (EOI) at the World Food Programme (WFP)

The World Food Programme (WFP) invites interested and eligible contractors / service providers to indicate interest by submitting EOI documents for the following works:

The United Nations World Food Programme hereinafter referred to as the “WFP”, with its Headquarters located in Via C.G. Viola, 68/70, 00148 Rome, Italy is the leading humanitarian organization saving lives and changing lives, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience by assisting almost 100 million people in around 83 countries each year. About 17,000 people work for the organization, most of them in remote areas, directly serving the hungry poor.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Expression of Interest (EOI) – Technical Evaluation of WFP Armoured Vehicles and Provision of Related Services

Reference No:

The WFP Headquarters through it’s Fleet Centre in Dubai seeks to establish a/n LTA/s for Technical Evaluation of WFP Armoured Vehicles and Provision of Related Services. The WFP manages a significant fleet consisting of standard production passenger vehicles and civilian uparmoured vehicles deployed globally to support WFP’s operations.

WFP seeks to establish Long Term Agreement(s) (LTA) through a competitive bidding process, for the technical evaluation of armoured vehicles (AV) and provision of related services on as required basis.

The services may be required for AVs that have already been deployed to the field, for vehicles still in the uparmouring process, or for AVs waiting for deployment. The inspections, analyses, diagnoses, assessments and reviews must be conducted using a proven, consistent methodology and result in comprehensive reports.

The purpose of this EOI

  • The purpose of this request for EOI is to identify suppliers with verified technical and financial capacity to perform the required services. Eligible suppliers will be invited to participate in the bidding process for the proposed tender.
  • Eligibility to participate in the proposed tender will be determined on the basis of previous experience, readiness to deploy personnel and methodology proposed.
  • After the deadline for submission of responses has passed, WFP will evaluate responses received and will notify eligible participants of the outcome of the evaluation.

Application Closing Date
4th May, 2022.

Submission of Documents

In order to participate in the pre-qualification exercise, companies are required to provide the following:

  • The filled in EOI Response Form, which includes:
    • Table 1. WFP Requirements
    • Table 2. Supplier Information;
    • Table 3. Supplier Financial Status;
    • Table 4. Supplier Relevant Experience;
    • Signatory by the authorized company representative and company stamp.

All supporting documentation listed above shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions provided and sent by email to: [email protected] with “HQ22NF206-EOI” in the subject.


  • WFP will not consider incomplete or unsigned submissions.
  • All responses and supporting documentation received will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be made available to the public.
  • This request for EOI does not constitute a solicitation.
  • WFP reserves the right to change or cancel this procurement process or any of its requirements at any time during the process; any such action will be communicated to all participants.

Click Here (PDF) for more clarifications on the EOI.