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Request for Information (RFI) at the United Nations Secretariat

The United Nations Secretariat invites interested and credible contractors to express interest by submitting RFI documents for the following works:

The United Nations Secretariat is one of the six major organs of the United Nations, with the others being the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the defunct Trusteeship Council, and the International Court of Justice. The secretariat is the UN’s executive arm.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Request for Information (RFI) – Training of Trainers in Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP)

RFI Number:

Description of Requirements
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to provide the United Nations (UN) Division of Policy Evaluation and Training, Department of Peacekeeping Operations with the information from the market to identify potetial companies or organizations that possess the experties in delivering a “Training of Trainers in Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP)”.

The Integrated Training Service (ITS) of DPET, DPO facilitates training and capacity development of its trainers, as they lead the coordination of provision of continuous support to peacekeeping mission trainers in planning and organising training and other learning initiatives for field mission staff and personnel. ITS trainers also support the training of Member States’ peacekeeping trainers. To enhance the skills of mission training personnel in supporting peacekeeping training globally as well as strengthen the facilitation skills of select DPO & DOS HQ trainers/training focal points, ITS is to deliver a Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on “Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP)”.

ITS recognises the receipt of requests for its trainers to deliver a higher number of learning programmes and facilitate meetings, and other activities. The support being given to PK missions, Member States and other HQ teams vary, depending on the clients’ needs. Emerging issues in peacekeeping which warrant development of various contents and training materials plus use of effective methods for reaching audiences also warrant the enhancement of the skills of trainers in order to satisfy the needs of their clients.

Consequently, there is a need to provide support to the trainers in acquiring advanced skills in facilitation and visualisation of participatory group processes in order to achieve the aims of the programmes they are to support.

To support this, the ITS is looking into the possibility of engaging a contractor that can deliver two batches of the ToT programme on VIPP. The first batch will cater to field mission trainers at the Regional Service Centre, Entebbe (RSCE) from 16-20 May 2022. The second batch is intended for ITS trainers, DPO training focal points and DOS-CDOTS trainers at the UN Headquarters in New York, from 6-10 June 2022.

The objective of this course is to provide training to 15 staff members at the UNHQ and 15 mission staff members on how to facilitate and visualise participatory group processes. The target audience of this programme are HQ & field mission trainers and facilitators who have a role to play in delivering training sessions, workshops and briefings. Focus will be on:

  • The roots and philosophy of VIPP
  • The users of VIPP
  • The people in the VIPP process
  • The basics of VIPP
  • VIPP Methods
  • VIPP in Practice

Roles and Responsibilities
The contractor will take on the following responsibilities:

  • Provide all methodologies, curricula, training materials, as well as other administrative support in relation to the delivery of the course.
  • Ensure methodologies and curricula reflect best practices in the profession and are updated when necessary to remain relevant.
  • Ensure all learning materials reflect a gender-sensitive approach and utilize gender-neutral language in all areas to ensure a learning environment that is free from stereotypes and unconscious bias. Learning materials shall be available at least in English.
  • Ensure all online learning materials meet UN accessibility standards in their design and structuring, following the guidelines found at Moreover, the online learning materials should be the detailed requirement as further defined in the following Section.
  • Provide ongoing administrative support as detailed in the following Section.

The Contractor shall provide the following administrative support to the UN trainers and training focal points in DPO missions and the Secretariat:

  • Coordinate with the ITS on the enrollment of participants in the course as per instructions provided by the ITS.
  • Provide confirmation of participants’ registration to the course.
  • Notify each participant at the start of his/her registration via a ‘Welcome’ email providing the participant’s registration number (if relevant), instructions for accessing the e-learning, overview of available online participant resources, courses/modules for which the participant has been registered, and dates or period within which the participant must complete requirements.
  • Respond to participant queries and provide information and instructions in accordance with the UN’s approved course of study.
  • Liaise with ITS to track and monitor participants’ progress in the programme.
  • Ensure that UN procedures established for the programme are followed.
  • Monitor transactions and liaise with ITS.
  • Provide weekly updates and final report on participants’ progress in completing the requirements of the programme.
  • Alert all participants of the contractors’ policies regarding completion of course requirements and absences – medical or otherwise

Application Closing Date
27th April, 2022

Submission of Documents

Interested vendors/organizations should Click Here to express interest to this RFI electronically.

In case you have difficulties submitting your response electronically, please contact [email protected] directly for instructions.

Click Here
(PDF) for more clarifications on the RFI.