The Public & Private Development Centre is a non-governmental organization that seeks to improve the integrity of public and private sector processes through increased citizens’ participation in governance processes.
In furtherance of a project funded by the International Bureau for Narcotics and Law Enforcement on Reforming Pretrial Detention in Nigeria Project Phase II with the objective of reducing the pretrial detainee population in the Nigerian Correctional Service custodial centres located across Adamawa, Kaduna, Lagos, Nasarawa, Plateau state (s) and the FCT; the Public & Private Development Centre is requesting for eligible contractors and vendors with requisite experience to submit bids to supply and deliver designated equipment to support the upgrade of the Correctional Information Management System of the Nigerian Correctional Service in accordance with the specifications provided below.
Vendors are encouraged to read the entire document to ensure they have a clear understanding of our requirement before submitting a bid.
Location of Service
S/N | States | Specific Custodial Centres |
1 | Adamawa State | Yola Old Yola New State Headquarters |
2 | Kaduna State | Max Sec CC Kaduna MSCC Zaria MSCC Kafanchan |
3 | Lagos State | Max Sec CC Kirikiri MSCC Female Kirikiri Medium Sec CC Kirikiri |
4 | Nasarawa State | MSCC Lafia MSCC Keffi New MSCC Keffi Old |
5 | Plateau State | Max Sec CC Jos MSCC Shendam MSCC Pankshin |
Note: MSCC refers to Medium Security Custodial Centre
Questions:Any questions should be submitted in writing and emailed to [email protected] on or before 18 DEC 2024. No questions will be entertained if they are received by means other than the specified email address, and any communications to alternate email addresses will result in the disqualification of the bidder. The solicitation number (listed above) should be stated in the subject line. Answers will be compiled and distributed on 19 DEC 2024.
Deadline for Submission:Quotations must be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject line, and the PPDC RFQ number. 23rd DEC 2024, 5:00 pm Local Abuja time.
RFQ Instructions:
All applicants must provide the following.
- Copy of your organisation CAC registration certificate/ business name registration with other CAC documents such as form C07 and C02
- Latest Tax certificate with the tax identification Number.
- Valid Means of Identification
- An expression of interest on your official letter head indicating capacity to deliver on this assignment, inclusive of your financial proposal for the items to be supplied.
Note: Failure to provide the above information will result in bid disqualification
A. Evaluation Criteria: Best Value
PPDC will consider the most valuable offer by evaluating and comparing other factors in addition to price. Only quotations that meet the requirements above will be considered for evaluation. Please note that if there are significant deficiencies regarding responsiveness to the requirements of this RFQ, an offer may be deemed “non-responsive” and thereby disqualified from consideration.PPDC reserves the right to waive immaterial deficiencies at its discretion. Therefore, the quotation should contain the best value from both a technical and price perspective. PPDC will select the vendor whose quotation represents the best overall value to PPDC in terms of the selection criteria specified below. Vendors who do not follow the instructions in this RFQ may be disqualified from consideration.
To ensure that best value is obtained the following would be considered
The supply and delivery of designated equipment to support upgrade of CIMS of the Nigerian Correctional Service (refer to annex A technical specification) across 6 states in Nigeria – Adamawa, Kaduna, Lagos, Nasarawa, Plateau state(s) and the FCT. PPDC reserves the right to issue purchase orders based on specific locations.
- Company Profile: registered address, with functional telephone numbers, email addresses and point of contact for the company.
- An expression of interest on your official letter head indicating capacity to deliver on this assignment, inclusive of your financial proposal for the items to be supplied.
- 7 Days delivery timeline on issuance of purchase order
- Verifiable details of physical contact address, mobile phone numbers and email address(es) must be indicated in your expression of interest.
- 12 Months Warranty conditions and a brochure of the products
- Quotation Validity of 90 Days
- The expected delivery Schedule/ timelines for delivery of equipment to all the States
- Appropriate taxes such as Withholding Tax (WHT) 10% of the total contract value will be deducted prior to making any payments for the good[s] supplied in compliance with Nigerian Tax Laws.
- All goods delivered as part of this procurement are zero rated, PPDC as an NGO is exempt from the payment of VAT.
- Warranty period for all equipment supplied must not be less than One year.
- ALL BIDS MUST BE SENT TO THE OFFICIAL BIDS EMAIL – [email protected] failure to do so will result in bid disqualification.
The technical submissions must be separated from the financial bid and each must be signed by an authorised representative; (First Email — Technical bid – Second Email – Financial bid) The two emails must be – SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT TO SUPPORT CIMS UPGRADE – RPDN PROJECT with the address of the vendor clearly indicated at the back of the envelope.
- All financial bids must be in Naira (NGN). NOTE: Partial quotes are not allowed.
- All proposals submitted including prices are valid for 90 days from the date of submission. Note in some circumstances PPDC may ask that this period be extended beyond this initial period indicated in this RFQ.
- All financial bids must be inclusive of installation and delivery costs and must specify maintenance and standard warranty terms and conditions for the various equipment requested.
- Note, the tender can be awarded to one company or split and awarded between companies. Such a decision is subject to the outcome of the bid process.
- Note the selected bidder will be responsible for supply, and delivery to the custodial centre (s) located Adamawa, Kaduna, Lagos, FCT, Plateau and Nasarawa states respectively indicated in the table above.
- Payment terms: – 100% within 30 days after inspection, testing and confirmation of conformity to requirements and the satisfactory signoff of completion by the State [s] Managers.
PPDC reserves the right to select and negotiate with those companies it deems in its sole discretion to be qualified for competitive bid, and to terminate negotiation without incurring any liability. Any commitment on the part of PPDC is subject to contract terms and conditions and satisfactory outcome of due diligence checks on capacity to deliver this assignment.
For all request for clarification, feel free to contact the email [email protected]
List of items to be procured List of Items to be procured with locations
Note: Responses received after the submission deadline for whatever reason will not be considered for evaluation.
Attachment B: terms and conditions
1. TIME OF DELIVERY: Delivery dates to project sites are indicated in this RFQ. Upon failure by the Vendor to make delivery at the time specified, or any extension therefore, PPDC may cancel the contract with respect to any or all deliveries which have not yet been made, except when such failure is due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Vendor, including, but without limitations, an Act of God or of the public enemy, acts of governments, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, but not including delays caused by the Vendor, provided that the Vendor, within three days of the beginning of such a delay, notify Creative in writing of the cause of such delay. Upon receipt of written notification of a delay from the Vendor, PPDC will prepare a modification to the Purchase Order to be duly signed by both parties.
2. THIRD PARTY PAYMENT: PPDC will issue payment to the entity identified in the Purchase Order. PPDC will not issue any third-party payments. As such, the entity must have a valid bank account.
3. RISK – PRIOR TO DELIVERY: The articles ordered hereby shall remain at Vendor’s risk until delivery to PPDC or the project site designated in this RFQ, and after any notice of rejection of articles, such rejected articles shall be at Vendor’s risk. When final inspection is at place of origin, but delivery by Vendor is at another place, Vendor’s risk shall continue until articles are delivered to their final destination.
4. EXTRA CHARGES: No charges for extras will be paid to Vendor unless such extras have been ordered in writing by PPDC and price stated in such order.
5. INCREASE OR DECREASE: Unless otherwise specified, no variation in the quantities or qualities ordered will be accepted as compliance with this order.
6. CASH IN LIEU OF MATERIAL: Under no circumstances is the Vendor to make cash payments in lieu of materials. Such practice will result in the cancellation of any PPDC financial responsibility pertaining to this award.
a. Commission payments to PPDC Staff are not to be made or authorized.
b. No gift, gratuity or remuneration of any kind shall be made to any individual or organization with whom PPDC has an official or business relationship, as a result of this agreement.
c. Arrangements are not to be made for undisclosed rebates to either PPDC or any of its employees or agents.
8. CERTIFICATION REGARDING TERRORISM: As part of the proposals submission, Vendor hereby certifies that it has not provided and will not provide material support or resources to any individual or organization that it knows, or has reason to know, is an individual or organization that advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in, or has engaged in an act of terrorism.
9. FINAL INVOICES: Vendor is required to submit the final invoice, appropriately marked as such, under this order not later than ninety (90) calendar days after completion of the work, or any longer period as may be mutually agreed between the parties. Any invoices received after that date will not be paid by PPDC
10. WARRANTY: Vendor shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, repair or replace any items which are or become defective during the period of 12 months from the date of supply where such defects occur under proper usage and are due to faulty design, erroneous use data provided by the or inadequate or faulty materials or workmanship or any other breach of Vendor’s warranties, express or implied. Repairs and replacement parts shall themselves be subject to the forgoing obligations for a period of 12 months from the date of repair or replacement.
11. TAXES: Vendor must pay any taxes defined for these purposes as value-added taxes and custom duties assessed by the host government. It does not include sales tax or
12. employment taxes required by local law which must be separately identified and reported to PPDC through the Vendor’s invoice.
a. The Vendor is liable for payment of all applicable taxes associated with revenues (profit), and other such taxes, fees, or dues for which the Vendor is normally responsible as a result of operating its business.
b. Vendor shall be responsible for providing a tax identification number, along with bank account details, company name, company or corporate registration number, company address, contact number(s).
Additional terms and conditions for the Purchase Order shall be provided upon notice of award.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your quotation.