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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the Provision of Rental and Decoration Services – MPOX Vaccine Launch / Flag-off at John Snow Incorporated (JSI)

John Snow Incorporated (JSI) is a public health care and health systems consultant and researcher driven by a passion to improve health services and health outcomes for all.

We are making a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for:

Title: Provision of Rental and Decoration Services – MPOX Vaccine Launch / Flag-off

RFQ Number: JSI-2024-23 – Provison of Rentaland Decoration Services – MPOX Vaccine Launch / Flag off
Delivery Location: Abuja (FCT)


S/N0.Description of Item/ServicesQuantity/Units/ParticipantsUnit Cost(NGN)Total Cost (NGN)
1.Arabian Canopy & Curtail (Sun/Rain Sheild)2  
2.5 x 5 Canopy (Signing & Donation Display)3  
3.Executive Chairs10  
5.Table4 `
6.Mist Fans6  
7.Decoration (Canopy & Vaccine Boxes)1  
8.Rug (Stage)1  
9.Chair Covers300  
10.Table Covers4  
11.Mist Fans6  
12.Decoration (Canopy & Vaccine Boxes)1  
13.Rug (Stage)1  
14.Rug (Walk-way)3  
17.Logistics for Rentals1  

Requirements / Evaluation Criteria
Bidders are expected to submit properly signed financial bid / quotation with company’s letter head paper.

  • Cost per unit
  • Bank Detail
  • Validity period of quote
  • Date of event – 27th August, 2024.

Application Closing Date
26th August, 2024.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their quotations & enquiries to: [email protected] using the Title as the subject of the mail.


  • The Financial bids must be in NGN
  • Following the requirement of the Federal Government of Nigeria, John Snow Incoperated (JSI) will deduct 5% withholding tax from the total contractual sum.
  • Also, note that JSI- is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and is VAT exempted.
  • JSI reserves the right to reject any or all bids if it fails to meet the criteria or submitted after the stipulated closing date.
  • Only successful bidder(s) shall be notified and will be asked to sign a Local Purchase Order (Contract document) with John Snow Incoperated. Note, this RFQ, does not in any way translate to a contract.
  • Any submission made after the stipulated date will not be considered.