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Call For National Tender For The Purchase Of Processing Kits at Nuru Nigeria

Nuru Nigeria is a locally Led NGO with affiliates in the US, Kenya, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. Nuru equips local leaders with tools and knowledge to lead their communities out of extreme poverty by integrating impact programs that address the most prevalent and fundamental challenges of extreme poverty around four areas of need: Hunger, Inability to Cope with Financial Shocks, Preventable Disease and Death, Lack of Access to Quality Education for Children.

  • Job Type: Contract
  • Location: Adamawa
  • Job Field: Consultancy  , NGO/Non-Profit 
SNItem DescriptionTechnical SpecificationsQuantityUnit of Measure
1Purchase of sealing machines 400mm Mpulse Sealer Heat Sealing Machine Kitchen-BIG SIZE. Power source:electric, sealing length: 30cm, voltage:220V, 210 Watts. To be delivered 9 in Michika and 7 pieces in Gombi/Hong16Pieces
2Purchase of packaging leather (Ziplock bag-colored pouches)Ziplock bag- colored pouches, dimension:19 x 29 x 8cm to be delivered 5000 pieces in Michika and 8000 in Gombi/Hong 13000Pieces
3Purchase of packaging bottle (Clear pet plastic bottle with screw cap)1 litre size clear transperent plastic bottle with screw cap to be delivered in Michika2000 pieces, 2000 pieces in Hong and 1000 pieces in Gombi.5000Pieces
4Purchase of packaging bottle (Spice jar plastic containers)250 ml spice jar transparent plastic containers to be delivered at Michika 1000 pieces, Hong 1000 pieces and Gombi 500 pieces2500Pieces
5Packaging leather (sealing machine leather)100pcs/packet LD Thick Food Packaging Nylon. length:30cm, width:16cm to be delivered in Michika 40 packets, Hong 40 packets, and Gombi 20packets100Packets


The opening and examination of tenders is for the purpose of checking whether the tenders are complete and whether the tenders are generally in order.

Tender Process;

The following processes will be applied to this Tender: 

  • Tender Period 
  • Tender Closing 
  • Tender Opening 
  • Administrative Evaluation 
  • Technical Evaluation 
  • Financial Evaluation 
  • Contract Award 
  • Notification of Contract Award 

The subsequent evaluation of the tenders shall be carried out in Yola by an Evaluation Committee made up of representatives of Nuru Nigeria.
Tenders will be evaluated on the criteria listed below:

  • Compliance with Nuru Nigeria Procurement terms and conditions. (Administrative)
  • Prices based on best value for money of items requested. (Financials)
  • Adherence with technical specifications requested. (Technical)
  • Quality of the product. (Technical)
  • Delivery Lead-time. (Technical)
  • Similar past experiences with NGO/UN agencies. (Administrative)
  • Availability of physical presence (Operational Office/shop). (Technical)
  • Adherence with NN Payment Terms and Conditions. (Technical)
  • Validity of the offer. (Administrative) 

In the interests of transparency and equal treatment and without being able to modify their tenders, bidders may be required, at the sole written request of the evaluation committee, to provide clarifications within forty-eight (48) hours. Any such request for clarification must not seek the correction of formal errors or of major restrictions affecting performance of the contract or distorting competition.
Any attempt by a bidder to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence Nuru Nigeria in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of the tender. No liability can be accepted for late delivery of tenders. Late tenders will be rejected and will not be considered.

Method of Application

The tender package can download from the link in this publication. HERE

It shall consist of two categorizations, Admin/Technical documents and Financial offer separately. Documents should be dully filled, signed and stamped.

Order of arranging documents  

Administrative and technical document should be put in the same envelope and marked “Administrative and Technical” 

Financial offers should be placed in a different envelop marked “Financial offer” 

All copy placed in a sealed non-identifiable envelope.

This sealed non-identifiable envelope shall be titled:
Tender for the Purchase of Processing Kits: ITB-2024-013

NB: Only bidders that pass Administrative and Technical evaluation will proceed to Financial Evaluation.

The tenders can be submitted through the following:

  1. Hand delivery of Physical bids receipt to the following address:
    Nuru Nigeria – Yola Office
    Plot No: Plot K46 Karewa GRA Jimeta Yola Between 8:30 am- 5:00 pm.

b.      For e-bids submissions By Email to the following email addresses: To [email protected] with the title “ITB-2024-013.

Whichever format is chosen, offers must be received by no later than the 4th July 2024 at 5:00 PM.
NB: Late bids submission will not be accepted, and will be returned to the Proponent or discarded. Also, all bids will be irrevocable after the Call for Tenders closing date.

Content of Tenders
The Tenderer must provide all the documents provided by NN in the tender package with other documents requested by NURU NIGERIA in compliance with the requirements set out. The proposal shall include, as a minimum:

NN Supplier registration form” and Code of conduct duly completed. These NN forms should be completed with all required information and the below to be provided accordingly.

  • Proof of company registration in Nigeria (CAC certificate);
  • Current Tax Payment Certificate;
  • Quotation or detailed Price offer. 
  • Quotations must be on company letterhead 
  • SCUML certificate or proof of request from EFCC.
  • Prices offered must be in Nigerian Naira currency.
  • Only Unit price with WHT included will be accepted.
  • Quotation must have a date and validity
  • Quotation must mention mode of payment.
  • Nuru Nigeria’s Code of Conduct filled and signed by the duly authorized person.
  • Proof of similar past experience working with INGOs and/or UN Agencies with two (2) relevant employees of such organizations as a reference


This documents do not confer any binding contractual liability on NURU NIGERIA and failure to provide all of the above and in the formats stipulated will result to disqualification of the Tenderer’s proposal.