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Request for Proposal (RFP) At Pathfinder Nigeria

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Solicitation Number: RFP/JUN/24/40677

For: Pathfinder International

Quotes Deadline: 18th June 2024


Pathfinder Nigeria is driven by the conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, have the right to decide whether and when to have children, to exist free from fear and stigma, and to lead the lives they choose. Since 1957, we have partnered with local governments, communities, and health systems to remove barriers to critical sexual and reproductive health services. Together, we expand access to contraception, promote healthy pregnancies, save women’s lives, and stop the spread of new HIV infections, wherever the need is most urgent. Our work ensures millions of women, men, and young people can choose their paths forward.

The Geospatial data/tools/technology for RMCHN microplanning and decision support project also known as the Geo-ST4R project is aimed at enhancing RMNCHN outcomes along the continuum of care by identifying service delivery and operational gaps that affect access to quality health care and supporting the development of realistic, context-specific plans to address them. It will leverage existing structures and build on lessons learned by implementing digital health solutions in Nigeria as well as the use of geospatial maps and tools for polio eradication and routine immunization. Specifically, this investment will:

  • Strengthen data systems to improve quality and use for decision-making. 
  • Build technical capacity for geospatial analysis (through training sessions, mentorships, internships, and fellowships). 
  • Leverage geospatial data to provide evidence for continuous improvement in the quality of care at the community level. 
  • Improve the strategic implementation of interventions carried out within communities and health facilities across Lagos state; and 
  • Enhance overall systems for priority primary health care outcomes.

Pathfinder Nigeria is seeking a consultant to conduct a health facility assessment in Lagos state. The result from the assessment will contribute to decisions concerning a suitable package of interventions to be deployed to the state and provide information on the strengths and operational gaps in RMNCHN service delivery, and existing geospatial technological capacity for microplanning.

Assignment Summary

The purpose of this assignment is to collect relevant information on RMNCHN service uptake, as well as existing capacity for the development of the use of microplans in Lagos.


Name of Independent Contractor: xxxxxxxxxx

Assignment Title: Short-term consultancy to conduct baseline assessment for the Geo-ST4R project in Lagos state.

Department/Unit: MEL Department. 

Pathfinder Involvement:

The following individuals will be involved in this assignment according to the roles below.

MEL Coordinator 

Finance and Admin Manager 

Purpose and Objectives

Working with the Technical Coordinator, you will be expected to carry out the following tasks. 

  1. Review electronic data collection tools already developed by Pathfinder Nigeria in alignment with the project/study objectives. 
  2. Identify, engage, and train data collectors with the requisite skills and experience in implementing similar studies. 
  3. Collect baseline quantitative and qualitative data at the health facility and community levels. 
  4. Transcribe the qualitative data for analysis.

Task 1: Review electronic data collection tools and platforms 

Task 1 is the development of digital platforms such as xls. based version of the baseline assessment tools that have been developed by Pathfinder Nigeria. The electronic tool should enable real-time data collection that can be easily monitored by both Pathfinder and the consultant. The quantitative survey tool must be developed with built-in controls to minimize possible errors. Control points and functions such as skip logic, response conditions, and response value types must be included to enhance quality control.

1.2 Develop a detailed workplan for completing Task 2 and Task 3 

The consultant will develop and submit a detailed workplan for delivering in coordination and consultation with Pathfinder International a detailed workplan outlining activities leading up to the timeline for the start and completion of data collection. The consultant shall review and build on the study protocol developed by Pathfinder to provide a detailed description of plans with timelines for data collection and mapping of respondents to be interviewed/engaged during fieldwork. This would include plans for training of data collectors on the processes and ethics of data collection.

Task 2: Fieldwork- Data Collection. 

In achieving Task 2 the consultant must ensure that the data collection process causes no harm, and adheres to respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Expectations are that:

  1. Data collection occurs concurrently across all the selected sites.
  2. The electronically collected data should be synchronized daily for easy access by the Pathfinder and management on selected platforms while qualitative data- audio records of the IDI and FGD are uploaded into a passworded drive.
  3. Inadequacies or inconsistencies in data collection are rectified promptly and real-time feedback is provided.

Ethical Considerations 

Approval will be obtained from the Lagos State government. Informed consent will be obtained from all study participants. Participants’ confidentiality will be maintained. No participant will be identified by name except for public officials whose permission to quote will be obtained.

Submission of Deliverables 

The consultant will submit a clean quantitative data dataset, original recordings from the qualitative data

Location of Assignment: Lagos State

Period of Performance/Duration of Assignment: June – August 2024

Positions Available: 1 position Expected Milestone

  S/No  Milestone Description   Verification of Milestone  Target Due DateMilestone Payment
  Phase 1: Data Collection  
1 Signed subaward Submission of signed subawardJune 25th 20241
2Workplan for completing Task 2 and Task 3 developed Submission of workplan matrix in Microsoft Excel with a stepwise list of activities and the respective timeline for completionJune 25th 20241
3Deploy Electronic baseline data collection tools Access to electronic/digital platform on which baseline assessment tool has been deployed with necessary quality controlsJune 27th 20242
4Data collection completed Complete Quantitative dataset, Qualitative data recording & transcription, action pictures, and consent forms.July 10st 20243
 *All milestones submitted in Microsoft Word should be single-spaced with 1” margins and 11-point Times New Roman font. Page limits do not include title pages, acknowledgments, and references.

Proposal Submission: Independent individual consultant is required to submit a costed proposal based on this scope of work. The proposal should include a breakdown of costs for each task and deliverable, timelines for completion, and any additional resources or support required to execute the activities effectively.

Note: There are two consultancies advertised, namely:

  1. Short-term consultancy to conduct baseline assessments for the Geo-ST4R project in Lagos State.
  2. Short-term consultancy to conduct data analysis and technical report writing for the Geo-ST4R project baseline assessment.

We are seeking for two different consultants to independently carry out the two tasks. Consultants are expected to choose one and submit a proposal; no single consultant should apply for both.

Eligibility/Scoring Criteria:

  1. Post-graduate degree in a relevant field such as Public Health, Health Economics, Epidemiology, Statistics, etc. -10%
  2. At least 10 years of experience in coordinating and managing surveys in Nigeria, especially Lagos state, must have implemented a similar study -10%
  3. Broad knowledge and excellent understanding of t h e health sector and structures for health governance in Lagos at the state, LGA, facility, and community levels – SMoH and SPHCDA -10%
  4. Proven analytical and research skills (both quantitative and qualitative) -15%
  5. Excellent ability in developing qualitative and quantitative questionnaires to collect high- quality information/data and present it clearly and concisely. Include samples of mixed method assessments previously completed by the consultant is a requirement- 15%
  6. Strong technical writing and presentation skills, and ability to communicate effectively to diverse audiences- 15%
  7. Proven experience i n engaging and coordinating with a wide range of stakeholders including Government representatives, other development partners, humanitarian actors, and other relevant stakeholders especially in Lagos state-15%
  8. Fluency in English written and spoken -10%

Proposal Deadline

All written responses to this RFP must be received by Pathfinder no later than 5:00 PM on 18th June 2024

Please email the proposals/CV and other information directly to: [email protected]

The subject of the email must be the title of the consultancy: ”Proposal for short-term consultancy to conduct baseline assessment for the Geo-ST4R project in Lagos State”. Any submission without this title will not be considered.


If you have any questions/inquiries, please kindly send e-mail inquiries to: [email protected] no later than 12:00 noon 17th May 2024. As a part of this RFP process. 

Payment Terms

Payment will be made according to milestones achieved.

1st tranche: 25% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 1& 2 

2nd tranche: 40% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 3 

3rd tranche: 35% of total payment upon completion of Milestones 4

Withholding taxes will be deducted from all payments. Pathfinder International reserves the right to award the contract in part or in whole to consultants.


Pathfinder reserves the right to cancel this solicitation at any point and is under no obligation to issue a subcontract as a result of this solicitation.

Pathfinder will not reimburse any expenses related to the preparation of any proposal related materials or delivery.


As a part of the RFP process, Pathfinder International may be providing confidential information. Consequently, consultant must complete a Confidentiality/ Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Thank you,

Procurement Unit

Pathfinder International



RELATIONSHIP:  It is understood and agreed that the Contractor is furnishing services to Pathfinder

International as an Independent Contractor, and nothing contained in the Agreement between Pathfinder and the Contractor shall create any association, partnership, joint venture, employeremployee or agent-principal relationship.

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION:  Each party shall treat as confidential all information obtained from the other during the course of performance under the Agreement.  Neither party shall disclose such information without prior written consent of the other, unless compelled to do so by law. All confidential information disclosed or otherwise made known to the Contractor as a result of the services remains the sole property of Pathfinder.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The title to all Intellectual Property rights in or in relation to material created during the course of the services, including but not limited to designs, works of authorship, analyses, reports, improvements or processes, vests in Pathfinder upon its creation.  These rights include title and interest in patent, copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights. At its sole discretion, Pathfinder may grant to the Independent Contractor, a limited, royalty-free license to use material developed under this Agreement.  In addition, nothing in this Agreement shall supersede the rights of donors supporting Pathfinder’s work.

NON-COMPETE:  While this Agreement is in effect, the Independent Contractor shall not perform similar services with any party directly or indirectly in competition with Pathfinder without giving prior notice to and obtaining written consent from Pathfinder.

ASSIGNMENT:  The Independent Contractor may not assign its rights or responsibilities under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Pathfinder.

INDEMNIFICATION:  Independent Contractor will indemnify and hold Pathfinder, its employees, and its customers harmless from all penalties, damages and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by Pathfinder and/or its customers (whether or not the agreement is canceled) caused by or arising out of Independent Contractor’s breach of any term of this Agreement including, without limitation, the timely performance thereof.

TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE:  Pathfinder International reserves the right to terminate this Agreement or any part hereof for its sole convenience. In the event of such termination, the Independent Contractor shall immediately stop all work hereunder. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Independent Contractor shall be paid for services rendered up to the time of termination.  

TERMINATION FOR CAUSE:  Pathfinder International may terminate the Agreement or any part thereof, for cause in the event of any default by the Independent Contractor, or if the Independent Contractor fails to comply with any term or condition of the Agreement, or fails to provide Pathfinder upon request with adequate assurance of future performance, or in the event of termination of funding or the prime award for convenience. In the event of termination for cause, Pathfinder shall not be liable to the Independent Contractor for any amount for services not accepted, and Independent Contractor shall be liable to Pathfinder for any and all rights and remedies provided under the Agreement or by law. If it is determined that Pathfinder

improperly terminated the Agreement for default, such termination shall be deemed a termination for convenience.

WAIVER:  Failure of Pathfinder to enforce at any time or for any period of time any of the provisions of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of such provisions or of the right of Pathfinder to enforce each and every provision.

INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE:   Prior to acceptance, all Deliverables will be subject to review and approval by Pathfinder. Pathfinder’s Assignment Manager will promptly inform the Independent Contractor whether deliverables, reports or other outputs are accepted.  Pathfinder may require additional work or changes in the deliverables prior to acceptance. 

INVOICE REQUIREMENTS:    Independent Contractor shall submit an invoice for work performed immediately upon completion, and in no case later than 60 calendar days after the end date of this Agreement. Each invoice shall include: (a) the Independent Contractor’s name and address, dates and number of days of performance and amount of payment requested as fees for service; and (b) a description of the deliverables or services for which payment or reimbursement is sought.  Upon acceptance of the deliverables or services and submission and acceptance of the Independent Contractor’s expense report, if any, Pathfinder will make payment within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.  

For assignments of greater than 90 days’ duration, the Independent Contractor may submit interim invoices on a schedule to be agreed upon with the Assignment Manager for this assignment.

BILLING POLICIES:    a) Payment shall be on a daily fee basis. Pathfinder will not pay for more than one eight hour day in any 24 hour period.

  b) Independent Contractor may bill for not more than one day during travel status in each direction to or from assignment.

EXPENSE REPORT:  The Independent Contractor shall be reimbursed for properly documented travel and other expenses incurred in direct support of services performed under this agreement.  Travel and other expenses must comply with Pathfinder’s travel policies and procedures for reimbursement, including submission of the Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) forms provided by Pathfinder. Expense reports submitted later than 15 calendar days after the end date of this Agreement will not be paid.

MODIFICATIONS:  The scope of work and other terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall not be added to, modified, superseded or otherwise changed except by written modification.

DISPUTES: Any dispute or disagreement which cannot be resolved by Pathfinder and the Contractor after good faith efforts, and any controversy, claim or dispute otherwise arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or breach thereof will be subject to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. This Agreement is governed by and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, U.S.A.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT:  This Agreement supersedes all prior oral or written agreements, if any, between the parties concerning the work under this Agreement and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the work to be performed under this


Funding: 50871-P020-21101-Direct