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Procurement Process :RFP – REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
Deadline :14-Aug-22
Posted on :08-Aug-22
Development Area :SERVICES
Reference Number :94351
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Request for Proposal – Live streaming of imaginative Events
Overview :UNDP has partnered with the Federal Government of Nigeria to produce the Imagine Nigeria Report which assesses and provides insight into how the crises facing Nigeria also present opportunities for Nigeria to build a more inclusive and resilient nation.  The outputs of the exercise, Imagine Nigeria, is now ready for launch.  It is a foresight-oriented exercise that is neither a prediction of the future nor a national plan, rather it is an invitation to all Nigerians for a country-wide conversation on the future of the nation. The exercise explores the major trends that will help to shape the future of Nigeria, offers alternative scenarios of the future, and provides a series of actionable recommendations to ensure national transformation. The findings and recommendations came to life through a participatory exercise involving over 300 stakeholders and experts, both nationally and internationally, which was guided by a High-Level panel made up of eminent stakeholders across government, private sector, and civil society.With the outputs of Imagine Nigeria—publications, interactive website, film documentaries, and toolkits—concluded and the planning for the launch ongoing, UNDP will support a second phase of the exercise, which will focus on the dissemination of the outputs and the seeding of the transformation ideas. While Imagine Nigeria is neither a planning nor a national visioning exercise, it is expected to serve as a catalyst for a national dialogue on the future. In addition, the outputs of the exercise are meant to provide inputs for key stakeholders in their decision-making. Among the stakeholders are the government which holds the responsibility for national planning as well as other major actors including the private sector and civil society with interests and critical roles to play in determining the future outcomes for Nigeria.As part of the dissemination of outputs, a series of “Imaginate Events” will be organized across Nigeria, with at least one taking place in each geo-political zone. The events will be hybrid (online and offline) and aim to ensure that the maximum number of people have access to the dialogues. Each event will be co-organized with partner institutions and should have a half-day duration. UNDP is now seeking a highly qualified, professional service provider for live streaming each Imaginate event, which includes dedicated internet services, on-site technical support, and audiovisual equipment to be used in the live streaming.OBJECTIVE OF THE ASSIGNMENTTo live stream each of the seven scheduled Imaginate events (half a day). The events will be hybrid (online and offline), so the service provider is also expected to provide in-person technical support and dedicated internet access in order to guarantee uninterrupted streaming.Event objectives: all Imaginate events seek to present the main results of the Imagine Nigeria report, facilitate discussions and foster multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships among government agencies, civil society, the private sector, the academy, and international development partners acting in Nigeria and other stakeholders.Target audience: decision-makers and innovators interested in the future of Nigeria, representing the private sector, civil society, academia, and civil service across Nigeria.List of events*:Launch of Imagine Nigeria, Abuja (FCT).Culture of Innovation, Lagos (Lagos – South West).Lead Africa, Ilorin (Kwara – North Central).Green Economy, Port Harcourt (Rivers – South-South).National Narrative, Abuja (FCT).Build Trust, Enugu (Enugu – South East).Imagine Nigeria, Kaduna (Kaduna – North West).Imagine Nigeria, Maiduguri (Borno – North East).* Suggested locations. Imaginate events are planned to be held in August and September/2022, in dates and locations to be confirmed 2 (two) weeks prior to each event. If an event is canceled, the winning bidder will be informed in advance and will not entitle any payment. SCOPE OF WORKIn consultation with UNDP and the Imagine Nigeria team, the service provider is expected to carry out the following tasks:Preparatory workUse Imagine Nigeria templates, patterns, and logo to create graphics/designs to ensure proper opening/closing and smooth transitions between programme elements and between live and/or pre-recorded elements, including producing all lower thirds based on names/titles to be provided by the Imaginate events team.Receive and develop show-ready any pre-recorded elements created including videos, graphics,, and animations.Coordinate with the event venue personnel on live streaming requirements, including a number of required cameras and camara angles, lighting, sound, stage set-up, transition between programme elements etc.Draft and share instructions to speakers and event organization personnel prior to the live event in order to guarantee quality streaming.Develop, manage and execute the registration process as per the event requirements, including sending registration confirmation messages and event reminders to all registered participants, maintenance of database for participant information.Provide event access links.Hire dedicated internet access to guarantee uninterrupted livestreaming.Ensure full set-up and testing of livestreaming equipment and services prior to the event (on the day before or on the morning of each event, according to venue availability), including audiovisual equipment, stage set-up, lighting, sound, internet access, livestreaming platform, designed opening/transitions etc.During the eventConnect all equipment and services to the dedicated internet access.Provide the platform and link the live streaming of the event to Youtube and other social media platforms, as previously agreed with the Imaginate team.Livestream all sessions of each Imaginate event from various angles and manage the broadcast of each event to the online event platform.Connect filming camera close-up with the event presenters and speakers and fully attentive participants during the livestream to provide live experiences for online viewers.Livestream presentation slides during presentations so that all participants can see the presentation content clearly.Slive streaming to on site audience using screen(s) strategically set on stage.Oversee the flow and management of the livestream, including transitions between programme elements in the a,genda and lead the coordination with the in-person event.Manage all aspects of the streaming services, including providing on-site technical assistance to speakers and participants and support troubleshooting of any streaming issues.Make sure online participants have access to interactive engagement tools and provide any required technical assistance to the live chats and discussions moderator.Record the full event.Post EventProvide a fully edited audiovisual/video recordings of all the events for upload to the Imagine Nigeria site.Handover all database, data, graphics and documentation related to in a single folder to UNDP.Provide assistance with any other post-event-related services as agreed upon with UNDP.LOTS/PRODUCTSThe service provider is expected to deliver quality online Livestream and video recordings for each event. Bidders may opt to bid for any number of lots (1 or more), which should be registered in their proposal; however, the bidder must comply with complete requirements per lot.LOTEVENTEXPECTED LOCATIONEXPECTED DATE01Quality livestream and video recording of the Imagine Nigeria report launch.Abuja (FCT).August, 2022.02Quality livestream and video recording of Culture of Innovation Imaginate even.Lagos (Lagos).August, 2022.03Quality livestream and video recording of Lead Africa Imaginate event.Ilorin (Kwara).September, 2022.04Quality livestream and video recording of Green Economy Imaginate event.Port Harcourt (Rivers).August, 2022.05Quality livestream and video recording of National Narrative Imaginate event.Abuja (FCT).September, 2022.06Quality livestream and video recording of Build Trust Imaginate event.Enugu (Enugu).September, 2022.07Quality livestream and video recording of Imagine Nigeria Imaginate event.Kaduna (Kaduna).September, 2022.08Quality livestream and video recording of Imagine Nigeria Imaginate event.Maiduguri (Borno)September, 2022.If an event is canceled, the winning bidder will be informed in advance and will not entitled any payment.The UNDP in Nigeria has first selection rights – non-exclusive world rights in all media in perpetuity – to all images taken on this assignment.APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY        The contractor is expected to submit a proposal with detailed activities, deliverables, timeline and budgetary requirements, and ensure to include in their approach consultation with the UNDP Nigeria and the Imagine Nigeria team, to make sure that the livestreaming of each event is rolled out in accordance with the requirements.KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND SERVICE LEVEL        The service provider is expected to successfully manage the technical and production aspects of the livestreaming of Imaginate events, ensuring a smooth coordination of the livestreaming including the seamless coordination of the live events. .GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY        The contracted organization will report to the Rule of Law and Human Rights CTA at UNDP Nigeria and work in close collaboration with other parties. The success of the project depends on the timely delivery of each component. The contractor should ensure timely identification of potential risks and signal any delays in deliverables. The contract will be effective immediately upon signature by UNDP.UNDP will have the following responsibilities: (i) Provide relevant documents; (ii) Discuss and agree on the methodologies of the assignment; and (iii) Monitor and evaluate the progress of the assignment. The contract and payments will be performance-based and regularly assessed by the UNDP Nigeria.The present ToR may be subject to modification, without changing the overall objectives and the scope of work, on the basis of mutual consultations. UNDP will hold the copyright of the assignment deliverables.UNDP SUPPORT        UNDP will provide the event specifications and online streaming requirements, design guidelines and logos and/or design graphics. UNDP will also provide information on location and event schedule within 20 days of each event.EXPECTED DURATION OF THE CONTRACT/ASSIGNMENT        events included in these ToR are expected to be organized between August 5th , 2022, and September 30th, 2022. Exact dates are expected to be confirmed 2 (two) weeks prior to each event.expected to provide an update of progress to the UNDP team on a weekly basis.DUTY STATION        The contract is “home based”, with expected travel to the locations where each Imaginate event will be organized (see section 2 of this document, “Objective of The Assignment”, for list of proposed locations). In the case the Bidder is not based in Nigeria, the full cost of travel to Nigeria and each of the locations internally shall be included in the proposal and adequate time in Nigeria must be allocated to effectively arrange and organize the programme.PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SUCCESSFUL CONTRACTOR AND ITS KEY PERSONNEL        The assignment will be contracted to an organization with experience in the substantive area and knowledge of expertise in event live streaming, including virtual and/or hybrid events.Minimum Qualification requirement of the successful contractorAt least 3 years of experience in event management and support, including experience with high-profile national or international events for UN agencies, governments and/or other non-profit or development organizations, or related work of a similar nature.At least 2 years of experience in livestreaming of virtual and/or hybrid events.At least 2 years of experience in managing high-quality video production, graphic design, content production and branding of high-profile events.Demonstrable experience in arranging high-quality virtual and hybrid events through use of live-streaming technologies, use of HD cameras, management of LED Screens and AV systems and development of interactive engagement features (e.g. live polls, Q&A).Experience with managing virtual and hybrid events on entrepreneurship, social innovation and technology is preferred.Have the necessary equipment for the filming and livestreaming, including the mixer and digital cameras.Own a team with strong experience in livestreaming high-profile events, including the following members (experience must be registered in CV):Team leader: at least 02 year-experience in the organization of livestreaming and/or hybrid event.Camera persons: at least 1 year-experience in filming; have experience in filming international events or high-profile/big national events, with professional and nice videosTechnical assistant: at least 02 years experience in providing technical support to livestreaming and/or hybrid events.PRICE AND SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTSThe contract price is a fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specific duration. In the computation of the proposed contract price, the proposal must include cost components relating to equipment, dedicated internet, professional fees, and any other anticipated costs not listed below as separately covered by the assignment.Proposals may be submitted on or before Sunday, August 14, 2022and via email, courier mail or fax to the address below:United Nations Development Programme, [email protected].