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Request for Proposal (RFP) at the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN)

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN) invites interested and prospective consultants to submit RFP documents for the following works:

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, also known as UN Women, is a United Nations entity working for the empowerment of women. UN Women became operational in January 2011.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Request for Proposal (RFP) to Develop a Compedium of Outcomes, Success / Human Interest Stories, Promising Practices, Challenges, Lessons Learnt, Recommendations From Spotlight Phase 1 Interventions in Nigeria



UN Women is one of the core agencies implementing the Spotlight Initiative and seeks proposals from a knowledge management firm to lead the development of a compendium of success and human interest stories, promising practices, lessons learnt, promising practices, challenges, recommendations. The potential partner is expected to develop the compendium and document stories from the field in an easy to read, interactive format. This is to serve as a knowledge product for programmes aimed at eliminating violence against women and girls (EVAWG) in the global south south. It is also aimed at showcasing promising strategies for programming as well as to highlight possible challenges. It is expected that the knowledge management firm will also possess technical skills to facilitate an in-brief workshop for partners to strengthen their capacity on showcasing promising practices, success/human interest stories, lessons learnt, challenges and recommendations.

The holistic picture for this compendium will be its utilization by multiple stakeholders such as survivors, donors, gender-based violence (GBV) essential service providers and to integrate mechanisms and processes that address and resolve Gender Based Violence (GBV) issues and utilize their own learnings as part of advocacy, movement building and in collaboration with other gatekeepers.

Scope of Work

Specific tasks for the consulting firm are to:

  • Facilitate an in-brief workshop for 12 UN Women Spotlight partners to strengthen their capacity on documenting success/human interest stories, promising practices and lessons learnt.
  • Develop and design easy to read, colourful compendium of success/human interest stories, promising practices, impact, challenges, recommendations from the implementation of Phase 1 Spotlight interventions in Nigeria.
  • Document a gallery of pictures from the field that tell stories by themselves
  • Create materials for ongoing visibility on the Spotlight Initiative through social media, that creates awareness on available GBV essential services and other Spotlight Initiative Interventions
  • Consult with UN Women Spotlight small grant partners (10) to generate outcome stories, success/human interest stories, promising practices, challenges, lessons learnt, recommendations.
  • Based on the consultation with the small grantees, develop and design easy to read, colorful compendium of outcomes, success/human interest stories, promising practices, challenges, lessons learnt, recommendations from the implementation of Phase 1 Spotlight small grantees’ interventions in Nigeria.

Selection Criteria
All interested firms should submit a technical and financial proposal. The proposals will be evaluated and selected based on the evaluation criteria presented below. All evidence documents should be provided as attachment in the proposal package. To this end, the technical proposal shall contain the following information to allow evaluation of the tender according to the technical criteria:

  • A clear understanding of the required tasks and demonstration of how the organization intends to implement the activity using a clear and coordinated approach.
  • A description of the organization and staffing structure (including the number of staff and subcontractors) available for the activities covered by the institutional contract.
  • Relevant documentation demonstrating consideration for ethical rules and regulations in the field of peacebuilding and assessment.
  • Reference letters certificates of service, and other relevant documents from past collaborations should be provided as attachments to the proposal if available.
  • The proposal should specify how they will ensure quality control of the services throughout the contractual period, including identification of potential risks and mitigation measures.
  • Provide evidence of financial capacity, including most recent Audited financial report.

UN Women will provide relevant background and project documents, reporting templates, guidance on procurement processes, relevant contact information of relevant actors for the geopolitical zones as requested. UN Women will provide operational support for the organisation of the the high-level meeting, as well as feedback and guidance.

Application Closing Date

29th March, 2022.

Submission of Documents
To express interest please Click Here

Your submission should include the following:

  • Proposal Submission Form (Online Form)
  • Proposer Information Form (Online Form)
  • Eligibility and Qualification Form (Online Form)
  • Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information Form, if applicable (Online Form)
  • Technical Proposal (Online Form)
  • Financial Proposal (to be uploaded to the Financial Envelope using the format provided)
  • Proposal Security, Performance Security and Advance Payment Forms, where applicable and using the format provided. Forms are publicly available at:

Other Forms to be Submitted by the Vendor awarded the contract at the time of contract signature:

  • Statement of Exclusivity and Availability, if applicable (using the standard format provided)
  • Voluntary Agreement to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (using the standard format provided)

N/B: If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFP and submit it by the deadline for submission of proposals set out in the tender notice.

Click Here (PDF) for a detailed description of the RFP.